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Faith not a condition for one’s bravery

There are indeed atheists in foxholes — and their modern equivalent. I enjoy the weekly In Theory column and want to fill in a missing bit of information regarding Jan. 24’s subject of how religious organizations deal with atheists (“How do you handle atheists?”).

I admire Father Vazken Movsesian and his work with many delightful young people and want to expand his understanding of nonbelievers.

Several secular organizations honor service personnel without religious belief, as a quick online search will show you.

The Military Assn. of Atheists and Freethinkers’ (MAAF) website lists nonbelievers currently serving “in foxholes, in cockpits, and on ships.” Also from their website: “MAAF maintains a roster of Atheists in Foxholes, just in case there are any rumors that we don’t exist. The next time you hear someone repeat that old myth, just send them here to see how atheists have served honorably in combat — always have, always will.”

The Freedom From Religion Foundation put up a monument for nonbelievers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the USA.

The monument reads: “In memory of atheists in foxholes and the countless freethinkers who have served this country with honor and distinction. Presented by the national Freedom From Religion Foundation with hope that in the future humankind may learn to avoid all war.” I give that a secular “amen.”

When visiting the Atheist Alliance International convention at the Queen Mary in Long Beach last summer, we ran into an old friend, David Comings, who’s written a book called “Did Man Invent God? Is Your Spiritual Brain at Peace with Your Thinking Brain?” which may explain why some people have religious faith and others don’t.

There may be a physical reason a person has a sense of “knowing” something that cannot be proven.

I invite the Rev. “Skip” Lindeman and anyone else with a healthy intellectual curiosity to check it out.


