
MAILBAG - Feb. 6, 2009

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Let’s act before our roads get worse

Regarding “Collision closes parts of streets,” Jan. 29:

I have been saying for years that the city of Glendale needs more police officers to patrol the streets. But with all the budget cuts coming out of Sacramento, I don’t see the city getting more police officers any time soon.

Why doesn’t everybody in Glendale just slow down and drive safely? I was glad to hear that Glendale resident John Sumner and his 10-month-old baby were not hurt.

So I hear city and law enforcement officials plan to meet next week to take action in response to all the crazy drivers in Glendale. Let’s get moving before a crazy driver kills somebody in a crosswalk.



Tragedy invites radical solution

Ever since the tragic death of Meri Nalbandyan, I thought letters from parents of students at Toll Middle, Keppel Elementary and Hoover High schools would be flooding this newspaper. I have seen only a few. By banding together, parents would force the city (traffic and transportation) to listen to suggestions. Instead, it is the same old tired comments: more flashing lights, more crossing guards, more stop signs, etc., etc.

The best suggestion has been the one to close off Glenwood Road in front of the three schools (“School zones should be safer for kids,” Education Matters, Nov. 7).

How great would that be to have a central courtyard, not only for joint assemblies but also for community activities — perhaps our own street fair and other events such as Montrose now has?

Please, parents: Get involved.



School story deserves an F

In regards to the Jan. 30 news article titled “Teachers given permanent status” by Zain Shauk:

After reading this supposed news article, I was surprised by the lack of investigative reporting. Since when do you report on a labor issue story and interview only one side of the bargaining table? I am quite sure the president of the Glendale Teachers Assn., Allen Freemon, would have been available for comment.

If your reporter had contacted a spokesperson for the teachers, he would have discovered the real reason the school district “opted” suddenly to convert 164 temporary contracted teachers to the next level of their employment, which is “probationary,” rather than “permanent status,” as reported incorrectly.

This bold move made by Glendale Unified School District is certainly not due to the benevolence of the school board. As a matter of fact, the primary reason for the school district to make this employment decision in the midst of our state’s financial crisis is for one simple reason. The union asserts that the district has been in direct violation of the Education Code regarding its employment practices.

For the past several years, the lack of transparency regarding the employment practices of his school district has been in question by its employees as well as the Glendale Teachers Assn.

Let’s not forget, “Success has a thousand fathers, failure is an orphan.” As an English teacher, I cannot help but notice the irony of this situation. It is funny that the people who fought against adhering to the Education Code now claim responsibility for the transitioning of 164 teachers.

I just hope in the future, the Glendale News-Press decides to report more accurately.



EDITOR’S NOTE: Zamorano is an English teacher at Crescenta Valley High School.

Najarian out for city’s best interests

I am very pleased to see that Councilman Ara Najarian is leading the city to address the serious issue of pedestrian safety (“Najarian introduces traffic plan,” Jan. 28). His behind-the-scenes work to obtain a grant from the Department of Public Health in conjunction with UC Berkeley shows his commitment to devise a comprehensive plan on this issue.

I believe bringing in independent experts in the field of pedestrian safety and traffic management to help evaluate and design safe routes for people to walk is definitely what is needed. It is great to see that Najarian is leading the charge.


