
In theory: Rev. Beverly Craig

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Pope Benedict XVI recently launched the first ever Vatican YouTube channel. The channel will carry liturgical events, audiences with the pope and other papal activities. Benedict said that “wise” use of such technologies helps promote the search for “the true, the good and the beautiful” across borders and ethnic divisions. How important do you believe technology is to the evangelist of the 21st century? How do you use technology in your own church?

Imagine how much harder Jesus and his disciples had to work in biblical times to reach as many people as possible with their liberating, inspiring, God-filled messages because the technology we have today was not available. Those early spiritual teachers experienced the inconvenience of constant travel — mostly walking — and threats to their safety and not knowing from day to day where they would bed down for the night or what they were going to eat. Today, they would be greeted with hospitality prepared in advanced, state-of-the-art sound systems and travel by jet to comfortable venues. Advanced technology has created opportunities for faith based organizations to quickly connect with masses of individuals interested in their specific spiritual teachings.

The use of technology by all religions is not only important in these times, it’s imperative.

Center for Spiritual Living — La Crescenta has a webpage (, e-reminders for upcoming events, a Practitioner Listserv where prayer requests are posted, and a once a month spiritual cinema night the first Friday of every month at 7 p.m.

Pope Benedict is right — teachings of “the true, the good and the beautiful” offered through the many available media avenues will help raise the world consciousness toward an inclusive, more peaceful planet Earth.

BEVERLY CRAIG is pastor of Center for Spiritual Living - La Crescenta.  Reach her at (818) 249-1045.
