
FSHA 5 sign letters of intent

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National Letter of Intent day, the day in which athletes sign letters of intent to honor the scholarships offered by the college of their choice, was yesterday and it was a good day for five Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy athletes who signed their letters of intent to their colleges of choice.

It’s not a usual event for Sacred Heart to host a little event for National Letter of Intent, but as Sacred Heart Athletic Director Stephanie Contreras said: “We have so many girls going to colleges next year for sports that we decided it was a good idea to hold a signing day.”

Softball pitcher Jessica Ferri made a commitment to Harvard University, who received her acceptance last November.

Pip Harragin will attend UC Davis, while Sinead Fleming committed to the University of New Mexico; both have received scholarships to play soccer.

“Nobody really gets to experience this. It is a one-in-a-million opportunity and I am so excited,” said Fleming.

Tolog volleyball star Jenna Orlandini signed a full-ride volleyball scholarship to University of Washington. Her Tolog teammate Connor McCracken didn’t sign a letter, but was there signing her acceptance into UCLA. McCracken will walk onto the UCLA volleyball team in the fall.

“It is such a relief because signing is basically your acceptance into college,” said Orlandini, who signed last November.
