
Yay! It’s a boy, girl, boy, boy, girl, boy

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Robin Goldsworthy
city editor

I know I’m beating an already loud drum (or a dead horse as the case may be), but I, like you I’m sure, am done with listening to the budget crisis that our nation and state are in. I know of people that are being asked to take a pay cut for the hard work that they already do; some state offices are closed a couple days of the month and state workers are being threatened with getting paid with an IOU.

It’s disgusting to say the least that our government is so broke and I don’t just mean cash-wise; it needs to be fixed.

But one woman has figured out how to make her life a bit more profitable.

Of course I’m talking about...Octo-Mom, Nadya Suleman, who gave birth to a litter of eight.

When I happened on the interview on NBC with Nadya Suleman earlier this week, I took a double-take. Was that Angelina Jolie on the tube? But no, it was the baby machine Suleman (I really can’t say mother; I mean really — how well do you think a woman can mother 14 children under the age of 8?)

Through the miracle of fertility treatments and an unscrupulous doctor, Suleman has been allowed to repeatedly be impregnated by a generous sperm donor. And since she is unemployed, we — the overtaxed, fee-heavy public — will be able to support her in the form of food stamps. And, according to UPI, since three of the six children she had before giving birth to octuplets are disabled, Suleman is receiving federal assistance. And rumor is that Kaiser has asked for California’s health care plan for the poor to cover her hospital bills.

I think that some endorsements (i.e. diapers, cars, etc.) that she probably banked on have pulled out due to the controversy surrounding this event.

Our aversion to the Suleman births is unique. I remember back in November 1997 when healthy septuplets were born to Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey. The nation celebrated with this family as they welcomed their four sons and three daughters.

The McCaugheys were the recipients of many generous donations, including a 5,500- square-foot house, a van and diapers for the first two years as well as nanny services, and even the state of Iowa offered full college scholarships to the babies.

The difference between the McCaugheys and Suleman is that the McCaugheys were in a committed relationship (married) and were prepared to pay for the expenses of their family — characteristics sadly lacking in the Suleman case.

I’ve got an idea, though; why not have the good doctor pony up support money for the children? That might take some of the burden off of the public pocketbook.

And please don’t misdirect my disdain for Suleman and the doctor to the children; I’m heaping it 100% onto the adults. The kids are certainly the innocents in this fiasco.

However, for those generous souls out there, you can pour your hard-earned cash into Suleman’s bank account.

Visit to make a donation. And don’t worry — she takes credit cards.


Poor Washington, D.C. Our elected officials are spinning themselves silly trying to figure out a budget for our great nation. Currently a cash infusion rapidly approaching $1 trillion is being hammered out. Look out, inflation — that’s going to be served up next.

But I’m happy to offer a suggestion on how to cut spending, thereby reducing the need to print more money, which will be worth less in the next few years.

Ready? Let’s address illegal immigrants! Since 1996, an estimated $397 billion has been spent on social services for illegal immigrants, over $13 billion on illegal children in our public schools and another billion dollars on incarcerating illegal alien criminals. Yes, I know — a radical idea. But, hey, times like these demand creative solutions.

ROBIN GOLDSWORTHY is the city editor of the Crescenta Valley Sun. She can be reached at (818) 790-8774 x14 or
