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Wilson Middle School hosts a meeting at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday for fifth-graders and parents interested in Wilson’s sixth-grade program.

Wilson 101, for students and families, is at 6:30 p.m. March 10 for those attending Wilson in the fall for the first time.

The principal, counselors and some faculty will answer questions, said Sydney Swainston, PTA president. Wilson 101 will be preceded by a short PTSA meeting at 6 p.m.



The 100th annual Oratorical is March 13 followed by the Scholastic Bowl at 7 p.m. March 16.

Megan Schowengerdt, PTSA president, thanks everyone who attended the recent PTSA meeting to vote on next year’s officer slate.

The PTSA also hosted High School 101 with Glendale High administrators to orient parents of upcoming 10th-graders.



Roosevelt entered its first National Science Bowl, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, with three teams at the Los Angeles Regional Tournament. The academic competition pitted 14 teams in a “quiz-down,” said staff member Karen Sorrenti-Williams.

Roosevelt participants were “Terminators” — Kenneth Garcia, Yana Hakopian, Tatev Hovhannisyan, Randy Qafaiti, Madeline Sy, and Frank Gonzalez, coach; “Mama Luigi” — Jose Camacho, Ryan Kamiya, Anthony Perez, Anton Qafaiti and Kimberli Naka, coach; “La La La” — Ahuixchel Lopez-Engelman, Shane Esmundo, Juan Guzman, Gaby Mungia and Randall Kamiya, coach.

“Since this was our first time, we really didn’t know what to expect,” Gonzalez said. “I just wanted the students to gain some experience at this level of competition.”

In the end, all three teams carried themselves well overall.



College View’s PTA had a successful “Take Your Family to School Week” event with a spaghetti dinner that raised $200, said teacher and PTA Treasurer Alan Schack. Afterward, the first PTA Honorary Service Award was bestowed on Louis Kovac, a daily volunteer for the past 26 years, said Andrea Crissman, PTA president.

The evening’s highlight was the screening of “A Day in the Life of College View School” that played to a standing-room-only crowd. The film, produced by Adam Hernandez and Emanuel Colindres of Global Media Entertainment Group, was intended to let families see a typical day at College View. It was funded through an $1,897 grant from the AXA Foundation.

National PTA President Jan Harp Domene attended and introduced James Whiteman of AXA, who presented the check. The National PTA selected College View to be one of 32 award recipients out of 600 applicants.



The Glenoaks’ Assn. Meeting is March 19, Laura Rubinstein, PTA president, said.

There will also be an assembly on water conservation with the school’s Green Team.



Horace Mann celebrates “Read Across America” on Thursday as students pair up to read with a buddy. Students will also come to school in their pajamas because no matter what time of day it is, reading is essential, said staff member Christina Burt.

The theory is the Pajamarama Reading Party builds listening skills, expands vocabularies and increases knowledge.

An Irish tribute happens March 17 as everyone dons green and learns about the Irish culture. This “green” day is sponsored by the Student Council under the direction of Assistant Principal Lynda Teems.



R.D. White’s PTA has a board meeting at 8:30 a.m. March 12, said Lara Majarian, PTA historian. The school plans its Ace Awards March 20.



Verdugo Woodlands hosts Family Reading Night honoring Dr. Seuss at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

The theme is “Friends Forever” as community members and teachers read in each classroom. Prospective kindergarten families are encouraged to visit.

Father’s Follies rehearsals begin Monday for dancers, singers and actors. For times, call Greg Schowengerdt at (818) 216-3100.

Stage hands, set makers and costume designers are also needed.

Father’s Follies is only eight weeks away. Everyone is encouraged to mark their calendars now for May 8 and 9, said Sharla Bohman, PTA historian.

The next Woodlanders Volunteer Meeting (WAVE) is at 6 p.m. March 10. A PTA meeting is at 6 p.m. March 17 in the cafeteria with child care and refreshments.

The third annual Survivor Challenge is March 13 and help is needed for this fundraiser supporting the reading specialist, materials clerk and care-counselor positions.

Parents are needed to assist children through the course’s challenges. For more information, call Ester Moran or Steve O’Brien at (818) 241-2433.

Special thanks to Kim Johnson for the Founders Day Dinner; Maggie Mason, Kathy Lo and Karen Spencer for Spiritwear sales; and to the Nominating Committee for filling the PTA and WAVE boards.

?EDNA KARINSKI covers the Glendale High cluster PTA. Contact her by e-mail at
