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The City Council on Tuesday will consider approving an additional $24,950 for the design of a new pool at Pacific Park.

RJM Design Group Inc. submitted a request for the funds to cover the cost of additional work in designing the proposed six-lane, $6-million public pool planned for the south Glendale park.

The additional money, if approved, would bring the total design cost to $87,650 so far.


The council, with a majority of members supporting the pool project, will likely approve the increase since the money is for work that has already been billed.


A 62-year-old ban on professional boxing is expected to be temporarily lifted Tuesday, a week after the City Council pledged to support a one-year trial period.

Also included in the package of requests is a test fight at the Civic Auditorium in June, in which local promoter and champion fighter Kahren Harutyunyan is set to host several local fighters in the event.

The trial period would come with a host of contingencies to minimize traffic and crowd impacts, even though the fight, with a capacity of roughly 1,100 people, is about half the size of larger events at the auditorium.

Harutyunyan and other boxers pushed for the exception, citing Glendale’s boxing culture and the desire to perform in front of a hometown crowd. City Council members agreed to the trial, with the caveat that if the event turned out to negatively impact the city, the ban would likely be reinstated.


The council, having already pledged last week to support the trial run, will likely approve the temporary ordinance.


The City Council will consider appropriating $30,000 to erect signs designating the major entry points for 32 residential districts.

The signs, which would be dark blue and feature the name of the district and city seal used in the mid-20th century, would be separate from the historic district designations that are in the works.

Neighborhood signs once proliferated Glendale through the 1970s, but for whatever reasons, were eventually removed or lost.

Reinstalling them would fit with the Glendale’s “Sense of Community” goal listed in the city’s Long Range Plan.

The money would pay for 150 signs at $200 each.

City officials would install and maintain the signs.


The request from the City Council to come back with a sign installation program was made last year, before the economic recession and resulting budget tightening, and so the expenditure may come under scrutiny.


Glendale could gain a sixth sibling Tuesday if the City Council adopts Goseong, South Korea, into its Sister City program.

A South Korean delegation visited City Hall in December to meet city officials in their bid to establish the culture- and resource-sharing program with Glendale.

In February, city officials were notified that Goseong and Glendale-based Koreans had successfully registered the necessary nonprofit association with the worldwide governing body, sending the matter to the City Council for final consideration.

The program fosters good will, and cultural and governmental education between the two “sisters,” as well the sharing of resources, in terms of equipment and volunteer work. Glendale already has established relationships under the program with Higashiosaka and Hiroshima, Japan; Tlaquepaque and Rosarito, Mexico; and Ghapan, Armenia.


WHAT: Glendale City Council meeting

WHEN: 6 p.m. Tuesday

WHERE: City Council Chambers, 613 E. Broadway

CONTACT: (818) 548-2090
