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CSEA stands behind incumbents

California School Employees Association (CSEA), Chapter 3 — which represents all classified staff (clerks, secretaries, custodians, painters, etc.) in the Glendale Unified School District — formally endorses Chakib Sambar, Greg Krikorian and Joylene Wagner for the Glendale Unified School District Board of Education.

CSEA Chapter 3 leadership endorsed the three incumbent members of the board of education after an interview and deliberation process. We feel unanimously that these three candidates would best serve our members and the district as a whole. Here are some of the reasons why:

• Over the years the current school board has had to make difficult financial decisions to protect the education of our students. Some of those decisions have dealt with downsizing both administrative and classified staff by attrition, instead of laying people off. As CSEA leaders, we have valued their surgical and strategic approach to making needs reductions in a way that best protects members.

• At this time of economic crisis and declining enrollment, the experience that Chakib Sambar, Greg Krikorian and Joylene Wagner have is much needed. Their experience and track record indicate to us that, without a doubt, they are the best choices among the board candidates.

We encourage the many CSEA members who live in Glendale to go out and vote to reelect Chakib Sambar, Greg Krikorian and Joylene Wagner. We encourage all CSEA members and other citizens to promote these candidates for the good of Glendale students.

— Richard Carroll,


California School

Employees Association

Chapter 3

GTA has chosen its candidates

The Glendale Teachers Association Representative Council has voted to endorse Chris Walters and Eric Sahakian in their bid for seats on the Glendale Unified School District School Board.

It was a unanimous decision made by the leadership of the Glendale Teachers Association, which is composed of 79 classroom teachers who represent the teachers, nurses, and counselors at our 35 different school sites.

Unlike other associations, the Glendale teachers invited all of the candidates to participate in the interview process. Furthermore, after the interviews were held the decision was not based on personal considerations. It was based on the issues facing our students, teachers and community. A few of which are:

1) The safety plan for our schools. The district had no safety plan under consideration to address the issues of children being hit by cars in front of our schools, or for bully prevention, or fighting on school campus until March of this year, after GUSD board challengers made it a part of their campaign.

2) Class size. While GUSD likes to advertise small class sizes; some of our classes have 38 students or more. This large class size leaves no time for teachers to provide the personal attention that is required of this crucial subject matter.

3) Fiscal mismanagement. Crescenta Valley High School’s re-construction went $13 million over budget in 2001, and is now going to cost the district an additional $8 million of taxpayer money because of construction gaffes the district did not spot.

4) GUSD administrative changes. We lost many well-respected administrators to other school districts because of GUSD’s internal politics.

5) Temporary teachers. GUSD was out of compliance with the law in misclassifying hundreds of teachers and only corrected this issue after being contacted by the attorneys representing the GTA.

These are just some of the challenges facing our school district. The next school board will have to overcome overwhelming obstacles to ensure Glendale’s kids receive the best education possible in a safe environment. Name calling and personal attacks are not conducive to addressing these very real issues facing our district.

Ms. Walters brings a wide range of community involvement and a background in finance that will make her a strong advocate for the children of Glendale. Her business expertise will ensure that our district remains financially solvent without jeopardizing the safety of our children.

Likewise, Mr. Sahakian, a former Glendale administrator, is an education professional with experience in education funding that will serve him well in these uncertain economic times.

These leaders have earned the recommendation of the Glendale Teachers Association because of their experience and commitment to our city’s children.

— GUSD Classroom


GTA Representative

