
Gear taken in school break-ins

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There have been three incidents of sports equipment stolen from area schools within days, sometimes hours of each other.

Sometime overnight between March 12-13, La Cañada High School and Flintridge Preparatory School were broken into and thousands of dollars worth of team equipment was stolen.

According to the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station, the break-in at LCHS occurred in the football locker room. The suspect(s) gainedaccess to other areas.

“They stole baseball equipment that had the team’s colors and logo,” said Tanya Wilson, head of security for the school. “And they stole all the wrestling gear.”

Wilson said the school was still evaluating the loss but estimates it to be in the thousands. The sheriff’s report estimates the value of the stolen wrestling equipment at about $10,000. Several lockers that had personal items from players were also broken into, the estimated loss of that property is still being evaluated.

During the same period, suspect(s) cut through a chain linked fence at Flintridge Prep and stole two baseball pitching machines from a storage shed.

These two burglaries follow on the heels of another break-in at LCHS that occured sometime overnight between March 10-11 when an estimated $9,000 worth of golf equipment was stolen from a storage unit.

Anyone with information about the crimes is asked to contact the CV Sheriff’s Station at (818) 248-3464.
