
MAILBAG - April 2, 2009

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Money’s too tight for adult center

The city wants to spend $7.92 million on an adult recreation center (“Rec center’s approval ends years of delays,” Wednesday). We are in a recession. I have written to all members of our City Council and City Manager Jim Starbird on this and other issues. Not once have I received a reply.

Civil service employees work for the taxpayers. I don’t work for them. It appears that common sense and logic are not used by some people. It is all about keeping power. Our officials are not interested in doing what is best for our state or country, only getting elected and reelected. I don’t like my money stolen from me. It’s my money, not theirs.



A little exercise before the bell

What an interesting idea of parking your car first and then walking your child to school (“Walking could be solution,” Saturday). I would support this idea 100%. It would definitely decrease the congestion of cars at elementary schools and possible traffic accidents. My kids went to Balboa Elementary School and are older now, but on my morning walks by the school, the problem isn’t any different than it was 10 years ago. But the ideas are a positive step in the right direction in solving congestion around schools — plus, parents would have quality time with their children before schools start, compared to worrying about traffic in the morning.

Keep the ideas coming.



Police should follow fire’s example

Regarding the question “Should police also volunteer to forgo pay raises?” (“Union declines pay raise,” Friday):

Yes, I feel that it would be the right thing for the Glendale Police Department to forgo a cost-of-living pay increase. All city officials should also forgo any pay increase for the next two to three years. Everyone needs to pitch in.



Glendale’s roads in need of a fix

Every day, I see potholes and large cracks in the city streets. Why must we drive on rundown city roads? Are we not paying enough in local taxes? Why is paying exorbitant wages for our city employees more important to the City Council than directing our taxes to repair the city infrastructure? When my car hits a pothole or two, I know that a wheel alignment is in order ($70 to $140 for a high-performance car). Or worse, my car loses control following a blowout and I risk an auto accident. It is like paying taxes twice. I pay taxes to the city and my credit card to my mechanic for car repairs. Help, is anyone at City Hall listening to me?



Funds needed more now than ever

I wanted to comment on what Angela Woodcock wrote referring to how teachers should not be fired because of budget cuts (“Don’t fire teachers because of budget,” Mailbag, March 18). She stated that California’s educational system is already in crisis because of budget cuts and overcrowded classrooms, but that does not mean we should fire our teachers. If anything, California should find money elsewhere. As Woodcock stated, “Firing teachers is throwing away our future.”

In turn, I agree having teachers fired will be like throwing our future away. California’s educational crisis must have immediate attention. Unfortunately, instead of taking different measures, millions of dollars are being taken away from elementary schools up to community colleges, money that is needed to keep our teachers, continue our programs, aids and other services and improve some of the outdated materials. Consequently, many students are not learning and even dropping out. I hope that government will recognize that now is not the time to cut funds for education, but to help and improve it.



Project a sign of wrong priorities

I was relieved to note the correction for the cost of “neighborhood signs” in the March 17 paper. Instead of several hundred thousand dollars, it was corrected to $30,000. Frankly, in today’s economy, why would anyone waste these dollars on such a silly item (“Neighborhood signs approved,” March 18)? We haven’t needed these signs for more than 30 years, and we don’t need them now.

Here’s a thought: Use the money to plug the potholes on La Crescenta Avenue or for part of the redo of Griffith Manor Park.



City not swimming in cash right now

I have a hard time believing the Glendale City Council would even think of spending $6 million-plus on a swimming pool at this time at Pacific Park (“Pool’s shape next choice,” Monday).

Don’t they realize we are in a recession? With inflation and the way the economy is today, if I, or any other responsible person who is having a hard time making ends meet, would even think of putting a swimming pool in, we would be considered irresponsible. And that is exactly what this City Council is — irresponsible. This pool could wait until our economy improves.


