
Civil War at Rosemont

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On April 3, Rosemont Middle School’s upper field was once again transformed into a Civil War interactive museum.

The annual event had local Civil War re-enactors, parents and teachers bringing history to life. Students had the chance to listen to teacher Michael Anker as President Abraham Lincoln talk of plans to finally relax after the war, and Darin Salazar as John Wilkes Booth pled his case as to why he thought he would be a Civil War hero by assassinating the president.

This was a bittersweet Civil War Day for Rosemont teacher Lynn McGinnis who will be retiring this year. He, along with teacher Chris Collins Cross, have been strong supporters of the event.

McGinnis dressed as a Union soldier, channeling his own ancestor who fought for the blue uniform.

Cross showed students how hard woman had to work in the 1800s and what was expected of them.
