
MAILBAG - April 18, 2009

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First blow won’t be last for Foothill

I am not in favor of a three-story building along Foothill Boulevard. As Richard Kraus says, “If you open this box, we’re going to be in big trouble” (“Foothill site plan denied,” April 10). There will be more and more three-story buildings, which we don’t need. The traffic and parking are bad enough already, and three-story buildings won’t help.


La Crescenta

A great night for a Lincoln grandparent

On the evening of March 25, I had the privilege of attending the Lincoln Elementary School PTA-organized Founder’s Day celebration and service awards presentation.

Even though my wife was one of the honorees (and I’m grandfather of two students), I wasn’t real eager to go and listen to lots of dry, endless words about the individual honorees’ accomplishments. But, oh boy, am I glad I decided to go, as it was a marvelous affair.

On arrival at the Lincoln auditorium, we found tables decorated like a posh restaurant and with real cloth napkins, not paper. Was I impressed. But then I was even more impressed by a delicious-looking dessert buffet and champagne flutes being graciously filled with sparkling cider by students.

The evening got underway with music by the talented Rosemont Middle School jazz band. The volunteer (mostly) service awards were each creatively presented by musically talented PTA members and students, with lyrics combined with well-known popular songs describing each honoree in amusing ways. Even school Principal Bill Card got into the act. This was followed by a serious review of the honoree’s numerous contributions and dedication to the school and the PTA. I felt like a lazy lout when I heard the lengthy lists of their activities. A certificate for the award and flowers were then given.

I was most impressed by the obvious enormous amount of PTA members’ time and effort, as well as their unusual talent and creativity, that went into providing such an entertaining evening.

It is this sort of parental involvement, as well as that of Card and the dedicated and talented group of teachers, that makes Lincoln such an outstanding school.

For any school, dedicated, caring and skilled school staff is so important for the success of our children’s learning experience, but parents, grandparents and other volunteers’ involvement is also much needed to assure that success.


