
Our readers write

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Calls out to local veterans

Do you know that you have two veteran organizations in the valley? The American Legion Post #288 and Veterans of Foreign Was Post #1614.

The [number of] WWII vets in these organizations are slowly declining. Won’t you become involved to help yourself and the community? You don’t know how important you are to yourself and community.

Would you consider joining either of these organizations? They could use new blood and ideas for the community betterment. They help your community in many ways you never know about.

Your veterans’ organizations have secured and protected your benefits. Won’t you help the next veterans to receive benefits they have earned? You may not need the benefits now, but they will be there when you need them. Ask any WWII vet you know about them.

It’s up to you, new vets, to maintain benefits you have earned through your service to your country. I

f you don’t protect these benefits, the politicians in Washington, D.C. will reduce or strip many of them from you.

Think about it and act. Join American Legion Post #288 or Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #1614. Let’s keep these organizations strong. What are you waiting for? Join up now!

Call (818) 541-1336 or (818) 249-1063 for the American Legion or (818) 249-9380 for Veterans of Foreign Wars.

— Mike Carone

La Crescenta

Answers a writer’s question

Naomi Berry asked the question, “How do we ever thank Dr. Terry Webber enough for saving a loved one’s life with CPR?” [Our Readers Write, May 15]. I would like to suggest they recommend CPR training to everyone they know. The silver lining in what must have been a terrifying experience is that it happened in the presence of someone who knew and was able to perform CPR. The reality is that less than 1% of the population is trained in CPR. Verdugo Hills Hospital is an American Heart Training Center and trains an average of 850 students a year in this skill.

Please consider becoming CPR-trained. You may, like Dr. Webber, be the one to save a life.

— Teri Rice, Coordinator

Family and Community


Verdugo Hills Hospital
