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Shade is cool, and the dedication of the new shade structure at 8:30 a.m. Friday on R.D. White’s playground is made even cooler because of volunteers.

Identified as a need by the school’s then Foundation President Braden Cancilla, the project was spirited along a year ago by former PTA President Andrea Crissman and parent Debra Suh with a grant from the American Academy of Dermatology.

Crissman credits parent Dominique Lopez, dermatologist John Honch, Armond Mailan of Glendale Unified School District Facilities, architect Hamlet Zohrabians, Principal Suzanne Risse, Administrative Secretary Jo Ann Stupakis and current PTA President Hilda Hovsepian for keeping the project going, enabling the PTA to raise supplemental funding.

“It’s been a yearlong endeavor, but the benefits will last even longer,” said Crissman. “Students will be healthier, and it’s up just in time for sunny weather.”


Glendale High School

Outgoing Glendale High School PTSA President Megan Schowengerdt thanks parents who served on this year’s board and committees.

“Your hard work, enthusiasm, humor and good hearts made this a terrific year,” said Schowengerdt. “Another ‘thank you’ to GHS administrators, teachers and staff, headed by our wonderful principal Dr. Deb Rinder, and to Mary Hazlett and the ASB students!”

Congratulations to 12th-grade awardees of a Glendale High PTSA Continuing Education Scholarship — Adena Gharaptyan, Hike Hambarsoomian, Anahit Nalbandyan, Maneh Sarkisian, Jennifer Seong, Irela Tenorio, Yundan Xiao and Nora Yesayan.

Congratulations also to the more than 40 additional 12th-graders who will receive Glendale High School PTSA recognition awards at 6 p.m. Thursday during Senior Awards Night in the auditorium.

The next PTSA meeting begins at 6 p.m. June 1 for business discussions followed by “Stressed Out Students” at 7 p.m. Clips from a Stanford symposium will show sources of stress for students and suggestions will be provided for lessening stress levels.

The annual Baccalaureate is scheduled at 4 p.m. June 14 at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. Graduation is at 6 p.m. June 19 at the school.


Wilson Middle School

Wilson’s PTSA has inducted new officers President Helena Williams; First Vice President Shakeh Avasspian; Third Vice President Dawn Landery; Recording Secretary Karen Weeks; Treasurer Elpidio Estolas; and Historian Adrineh Vartani.

Additional members are Jazel Kazandjian, hospitality; Maryann Snaer /Pat Erstad, memberships; and Nada Saghi, Red Ribbon Week.

Outgoing President Sydney Swainston reminds us of the Choir Concert at 6 p.m. May 28 and an instrumental concert is at 6 p.m. June 2. An Eighth-grade Awards Ceremony is at 6 p.m. June 5. The PTSA meets at 6 p.m. June 9 in the library with a program at 7 p.m. on Stressed Out Students timed to coincide with finals week. Eighth-grade promotion happens at 5:30 p.m. June 18 on the athletic field.


Glenoaks Elementary

Globefest is set for Friday, said PTA President Laura Rubinstein. For more information, call (818) 242-3747. Results are in for the 2009-2010 PTA Board. Laura Rubinstein will enjoy another round as president.

Other posts are First Vice President Jenni Medina; Second Vice Presidents Lala Gevorkian/Beth Abaravich; Third Vice President Rosalita Banta Hermogeno; Fourth Vice President Leigh Helberg; Treasurer Donna Tom; Recording Secretary Rachel Imperio; Corresponding Secretary Sally Salter; Historians Carol Choy/Veronica Graham; Parliamentarian Jami Zwerling Jeffrey; and Auditor Marcie Lumpkin.


John Muir Elementary

Principal Amaly Avakian congratulates the new PTA board.

They are Valerie Winn, president; Manoosh Mardirosian, first vice president; Karla Cortes, second vice president; Ken Rowand, secretary; and Noemi Medina, treasurer.

A laser assembly for students meeting their Accelerated Reading goals is scheduled for June 5. Sixth-grade promotion is at 8:30 a.m. June 19 at Roosevelt Middle School.


R.D. White Elementary

The new PTA board members are Hilda Hovsepian serving again as president; Yuri Clingerman, first vice president; Shakeh Petrossian, third vice president; Mary Bush, fourth vice president; Ani Derhartunian, parliamentarian; Dina Calis, membership; Laurel Parlman, recording secretary; Whitney Worster, corresponding secretary; Wendy Hunter/Sarah Browder, art docent co-chairs; Annie Arom, auditor; Dominique Lopez, treasurer; and Kristin Pardo, historian. The annual International Potluck is set for 6 p.m. June 5 at the school.

Verdugo Woodlands

New PTA and Woodlanders Volunteer (WAVE) boards will be inducted at the Installation Luncheon at 11:45 a.m. May 29 at the Ocean View Bistro.

The final WAVE meeting of the year is at 6 p.m. June 9, and the next PTA meeting is at 6 p.m. June 16.

The fifth annual PTA dinner dance and auction, “Denim & Diamonds BBQ and Western Round-Up,” will have everyone kicking up their boots under the stars at 6 p.m. June 6 at the Dad’s Club.

Cost is $30 per person and adults only please. The community is invited to support this event.

Incoming families and anyone considering Verdugo Woodlands as their school can attend an Open House from 6:30 to 8 p.m. June 4. Early Education and Extended Learning Program Open House begins at 6 p.m.

For more information, call (818) 241-2433.

?EDNA KARINSKI covers the Glendale High cluster PTA. To have an item listed, e-mail her at
