
Police decline to reopen contracts

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The Glendale Police Officers Assn. has declined to reopen its contract for possible concessions on a planned 6% raise despite repeated pleas from the City Council as it works to close a projected $9.7-million budget deficit before July 1, according to an e-mail obtained by the Glendale News-Press.

The City Council last week agreed to postpone a planned budget study session as city executives continued to hold out for possible concessions, and police union President Larry Ballesteros has repeatedly described talks with the city as ongoing.

But in a June 8 e-mail sent from the leadership of the Glendale Police Officer Assn. to City Hall, the union notified council members that it “declines your request to modify the contract for the upcoming fiscal year, July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010.”

Per the association’s contract, all officers are due a 6% increase on July 1.

Ballesteros could not be reached for comment.

The police union has been under increased pressure to make concessions after the other three city employee associations agreed earlier this year to either forgo planned cost of living pay increases or cede other planned pay bumps.

Councilman Dave Weaver, who has been especially strong in his calls for wage concessions, said he was very disappointed by the lack of concessions.

“If it holds true Tuesday, its very sad,” he said. “It really boxes us into a corner.”
