
Red light, green light

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Red light means stop.

As many have already heard, the plug has been pulled on the Crescenta Valley Sun. Our last issue will be on July 3; thereafter, the Glendale News-Press will be taking care of covering the Crescenta Valley area. Our sister paper, the La Cañada Valley Sun, will remain for our eastern neighbors; however the office will move to new digs on Foothill Boulevard on June 19.

The staff at the Glendale News-Press, especially Director of Editorial Dan Evans, seem excited about being more active in the Crescenta Valley community. He was upbeat when addressing the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce mixer on Wednesday night. You can read more on the changes from Dan on page 19.

Mary O’Keefe has been told to report to the Glendale offices on June 22, so it is hoped that the continuity of local coverage will be maintained. Unfortunately, yours truly has been laid off. Ah, well. I do get to stick around to the final issue, though.

That’s something.


Whereby red means stop, green means go. Caltrans flipped the switch this past Wednesday morning on the meters that have been looming on our local on-ramps.

And man oh man! What a mess those green-yellow-red lights were to morning commuters.

Unlike most mornings, when I get on the 210 at La Crescenta Avenue, on Wednesday morning I had plans to meet a friend for coffee at Boston and Foothill. I didn’t know about the backed up traffic until my cellphone started ringing and text messages started coming through.

As most in the Crescenta Valley predicted, the result of those meters being switched on played havoc with our commuters. Cars, whether heading northbound or southbound on La Crescenta Avenue, were stacked up trying to get on to the freeway. Usually, you get on and make your way at a comfortable clip around the curve, popping onto the 210 at a nice rate of speed. Wednesday morning, though, cars snaked back and around the bend, onto the street. I can only imagine how long it took to negotiate the ramp. What a waste of time and patience evidenced by one text message I received that read: Control Aholics Lousing up Traffic Routes and Neighborhood Synergy = CALTRANS.

Another concern was for our children who were walking to the elementary school north of the freeway. As traffic started building further and further north, the poor crossing guards — who are thought to have cheated death more than once in the past by impatient parents — were frantic trying to usher our kids across the avenue. Typically that part of town is pretty busy during school drop off and pick up times already; the meter debacle truly caused an uproar.

I wonder what report the Caltrans monitor who was “studying” the situation took back to his superiors.


I had the chance to visit the Montrose Arts & Crafts Festival this past weekend. I was worried that the overcast skies would keep people away, but in fact there was a very strong turn out. I went for a short time both on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and had to work my way through the sizable crowd. And of course the food was fantastic!

I had the chance to talk to Lisa Dutton who was wearing her green CERT shirt even though she assured me that she wasn’t working the event. She said that she’s been going to the festival for years and always makes sure to stop by Danny K.’s booth as he’s got “the best purses in the world.”

Something to remember for next year.

ROBIN GOLDSWORTHY is the city editor for the Crescenta Valley Sun. She can be reached at (818) 790-8774 x14 or at
