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Every Friday night we look forward to starting the weekend by retrieving the Crescenta Valley Sun from our driveway and finding out what is going on in our community. We read Robin Goldsworthy’s editorial first — always entertaining, often thought-provoking. We read about what our town council is doing, problems our neighbors are facing, the good things going on at our schools, reflect on stories about the pioneers of our valley courtesy of the Historical Society of the Crescenta Valley, see how the Falcons are doing, and look forward to events being planned by our chambers.

The Crescenta Valley Sun is a lively snapshot of life in our community, a gem of a newspaper, given heart and soul by Robin and her staff. Why on earth would someone close down this newspaper (“Crescenta Valley Sun to close,” June 12)?

The reason, they say, is efficiency, that the Glendale News-Press and the Crescenta Valley Sun compete for the same stories. It will cut down on overlap, they say. Hmm. Not so fast. Glendale is a diverse, wonderful city with great schools, interesting people, civic leaders, a unique history, community events, generous charitable organizations, bigger and more bustling than the Crescenta Valley. Yet, we read the Glendale paper every morning and the energy and vibrancy of that city doesn’t seem to be in the pages of its newspaper. Why is that? They don’t need to compete for stories — they have plenty.

There is no overlap; there is a rich variety in each community. It must be something else.

The Glendale News-Press is getting staff from the Crescenta Valley Sun. They are lucky, especially that Mary O’Keefe is coming on board. Her breaking stories and investigative reporting shed light on important issues in our community.

But we will miss Robin Goldsworthy’s lively presence most of all. Her leadership and love for our community shows on every page of every edition of the Crescenta Valley Sun.

Oh, wait, maybe that’s what the Glendale News-Press is looking for — not efficiency, but heart. Good luck. We’re losing part of ours.

 GREG AND MARILYN SMITH are La Crescenta residents.
