
Patriotism honored at Luncheon

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The 19th Annual Flag Day Luncheon was held on June 12 in cooperation with the Kiwanis Club of Glendale and Patriotic of the Glendale Chamber of Commerce. The event highlighted those who lead by example with patriotism and honor.

The Crescenta Valley High School JROTC cadets and mentors were at the event to present the colors. Cadet Yoon Hyung Lee was given the 2009 AFJROTC Cadet of the Year Award. The Patriotic Business/Association of the Year Award went to Forest Lawn. The Admiral Ben Bass Award recipient was Patrick Liddell and the Patriot of the Year Award was given to Mirna Stanley.

“I am very proud,” Lee said of her recognition. “But it is not just me, it is everyone [in the JROTC class] that should be recognized.”

Speaker Lt. Col. David Worley, senior aerospace science teacher for JROTC at CVHS, spoke of the importance of the country’s unity.

“It is important to stay united and strong even in these challenging times,” he said.

He quoted from President John F. Kennedy’s famous inaugural address, “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.” But he added, “The rest of the speech is just as important: ‘My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”
