
No longer out of her league

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Retired gynecologist Carol Ann Burton’s lifelong charity work has always seemed like the right fit for her in Glendale. And now she will lead the way for the organization where she got started years ago.

The community activist was installed last month as local president of the National Charity League, a nonprofit mother-daughter organization that promotes community involvement.

She first became involved in the program in the seventh grade when her mother was a senior member, or patroness, within the organization. Following in her mother’s footsteps, Burton became a student, or Ticktocker, of the league.

Burton graduated from the six-year program when she was 18, but her time with the charity league was far from over.

After receiving her doctorate from USC’s Keck School of Medicine in 1983, Burton returned to the program and joined its junior group of ladies to help out with local charity events.

As the years have passed, Burton has continued her charity work in Glendale and has guided three of her own daughters through the National Charity League program, while a fourth is just one year from graduation.

As president, Burton wants to continue the league’s traditions that have left a valuable experience in her life.

JON HABER: Upon finding out that you were becoming president of the National Charity League, what was your initial reaction?

CAROL ANN BURTON: I was very excited, but there was also a certain amount of trepidation because you want to make sure you do a good job for the organization.

[Former President Ellen Turner] is a fabulous woman, a great mentor and a great inspiration. She will be a tough act to follow, but I will do my best.

Q: What kind of additions do you plan on implementing as the new president of the league?

A: I think one of our goals is to reassess our philanthropies and see how we can better serve the community through the efforts of our women.

Q: What originally inspired you to become active in the National Charity League compared to other charity organizations in Glendale?

A: For whatever reason, I’ve loved the women I’ve worked with and all the friendships I’ve made. I’ve just loved working with them and all the community work we do. Some things grab you better than others, and this has always been close to my heart, probably because of my legacy here. I was a Ticktocker, and it carries through.

Q: What sort of impact does your organization have on the mother-daughter relationship?

A: Adolescence is a hard time for mothers and daughters, and I think this program gives us an opportunity to be together and help serve people, which allows us to get to know our daughters better.

Q: What are some of the community activities your chapter participates in?

A: We help support 12 Oaks Retirement homes in Montrose, which has long been the major focus of our philanthropy. Additionally, we are involved with the Salvation Army, YWCA, Red Cross, Special Olympics, New Horizons, Habitat for Humanity and also help at the five local hospitals as well as the L.A. Zoo.

Q: What kind of response have you seen from the community for your work?

A: At the YWCA, the ladies are a tremendous help. They come, and they’re very generous and very supportive. I know New Horizon’s been very appreciative of the help they get, and it’s generally like that across the board.
