
MAILBAG: Keep golf course from developers

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I’ve always been interested in issues that impact our foothill communities, and I have opposed development in our communities, especially when it will impact open and natural spaces.

I have not seen much coverage lately about the proposed development of the Verdugo Hills Golf Course. I heard the environmental impact report is now open for community comment (“Report: Golf plan would harm area,” May 29.) I know this issue is very important to residents of the foothills.

I would love to hear the responses and feelings of our residents.

The yellow signs along Tujunga Canyon Boulevard calling on the community to save the golf course is just one example of how this can be accomplished.

I have thought that we should preserve the golf course and perhaps have a nature/wildlife center that would serve as an educational point for our many residents.

I believe we must keep open areas like the Verdugo Hills Golf Course for recreational use by residents.

I realize that many folks are feeling overwhelmed by the current issues facing our population, but losing the focus of the necessity for continued preservation of rare, undeveloped land such as we see at the golf course could cause us to suffer lost local recreational opportunities.

Having a local site for golfers, hikers and nature lovers would mean increased revenue for local businesses as well.

Why should we allow the loss of those awesome ancient oak trees? Why let the greed of developers put this great resource of historical land under concrete and asphalt for all time? Our environment will suffer. Our water supply will be diminished even further.

Why should we remain mute on the subject of a proposed development that would only add more houses, more traffic and more loss of open space? We have become a community clogged with properties sitting vacant. We face a serious water shortage.

Please share your opinions and suggestions so that we can join as a community that has long fought against inappropriate development.

Even when there are different opinions, we can find common ground to unite us.

Let us lift our eyes and hearts for a brief time from the current issues of our economy and set the goal of preserving our natural heritage in open spaces. Let us take action to save this awesome property for our children and future generations.


La Crescenta


Public smoking ban protects everyone

It almost made my head explode to read that Councilman Ara Najarian somehow thinks that religious freedom, the 1st Amendment and smoking are somehow connected (“Smoking laws difficult to enforce, official says,” June 18).

The Bible says, “Thou shalt not kill,” and it’s a fact that second-hand smoke kills. The Constitution says that we have the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” It’s difficult to enjoy one’s life when you have asthma or emphysema from second-hand smoke. Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable. Nevertheless, I see my fellow residents walking down the street with baby strollers while dragging on a cigarette.

Nonsmokers are tired of being the collateral damage of smokers.

I went through 16 rounds of chemotherapy last year. I don’t want to walk through a toxic cloud of smoke, which still seems to be everywhere in Glendale. I think that we need to go further in the restriction of cigarettes in order to have a cleaner, healthier town that’s inviting to all.

We should ban people from hanging their cigarettes out the window. I’m tired of driving down the street and having smoke blow back in my face.

Then there is the litter from the cigarette butt that is casually dropped out the window, which then ends up in the street, freeway offramps, storm drains, sidewalks and parking lots.

I don’t believe it’s a matter of education at this point. It’s a matter of a bad attitude among smokers thinking that their nasty habit trumps their fellow citizens’ right to clean air.

Despite the “no smoking” signs in Brand Park, you’ll probably find that the No. 1 piece of trash in the park is still a cigarette butt.

Having a smoking ban in public places protects everyone, including the addict.


