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While the grown-ups take a short break from the social whirl this week, their teenagers are busy. Twenty-four girls in Camp Rosie are busy learning business and leadership skills and having fun at the same time. The free, three-week camp, sponsored by the Glendale Commission on the Status of Women, usually meets at the Pacific Community Center. But for a change of scene, the girls were bussed to Junior Achievement Finance Park on Forest Lawn Drive on Thursday.

At Junior Achievement, each girl was given a scenario and a budget they had to meet. Their expenses could not exceed their earnings — a concept that was eye-opening to some.

For instance, in the store front sponsored by Toyota, 17-year old Ida Simonian’s scenario made her a 32-year-old married woman with a 7-year-old. She worked at Toyota and made $24,576 a year, gross. Simonian was tasked with matching expenses with income. As she was hard at work with pencil and calculator, she drew a “Lucky Card” giving her a surprise $75 more in income. She was warned by Glendale Youth Alliance Program Specialist Kathy Piumetti, that the extra cash wouldn’t buy a Juicy Couture bag or a pair of True Religion jeans. Besides, Simonian had a “child” to think of now.

In the Los Angeles Valley College-sponsored store front, Syuzanna Hakobyan, 17, had more income and fewer expenses to play with. Her scenario had her working at the college, making $48,468 a year. At “32,” she was an unmarried woman with no children.

“[At Camp Rosie], we learn about saving and how to control our budget,” said Natalie Bagaslyan, 16. “But they [the federal government] deduct so much tax!” countered Simonian.

Camp Rosie participants are high school-age girls from Glendale, many of whom come from low-income families and are sponsored by the Glendale Youth Alliance. The Alliance, a nonprofit that puts low-income youth to work, is collaborating with Junior Achievement and the Commission on the Status of Women that provides Camp Rosie.

Piumetti, the girls’ primary instructor, warned them that as soon as they walk onto a college campus, they will be offered a credit card.

“If you misuse it, you could be in debt for a long time. There is a big difference between what you want and what you need,” Piumetti said.

Camp Rosie girls are learning to take those words to heart.

Space is still available for the final session of Camp Rosie that runs Aug. 3 to 21. Girls from low-income families are encouraged to apply. For an application, call Christine Baboomian at (818) 548-4844.


The 1956 version of “The King and I,” starring Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr, had two screenings at the Alex Theatre on Saturday, sponsored by the Alex Film Society. But it was the evening screening that brought out the “stars.” Daughters of Brynner and Marni Nixon, the singing voice of Kerr, were front and center. Victoria Brynner and Melani Gold were audience-friendly and more than willing to talk to their parents’ fans. Brynner remembers her dad putting on his “King” make-up and chatting with her each night before the Broadway version of “The King and I” in the ‘80s. Gold, a Tujunga resident and daughter of composer Ernest Gold, conveyed his mom’s regrets. She lives in Manhattan and is taking care of Gold’s step father, who recently had surgery.

Burbank resident Debbie Collier was an early bird to the screening. She had never seen “The King and I” on a big screen. “My brother and I grew up watching these classic musicals,” Collier said.

Film Society board members were busy behind the scenes. Newsletter Editor Elyse Briggs hawked raffle tickets to a basket of “The King and I” souvenirs, including the original sound track album and autographed copies of Nixon’s autobiography and CD. Brian Ellis sold movie tickets. Pam Ellis, Dean Briggs and Beth Werling welcomed close to 400 fans. New board member Larry Travis handed out film information. Vice President Linda Harris described how she contacts the stars for Film Society screenings, “I find them on the Internet and give them a call.” President Randy Carter supervised.

Don’t miss the Alex Film Society’s 10th annual Vaudeville Extravaganza! at the Alex Sept. 19.


It has been standing room only for the stage adaptation of “Footloose” at the Glendale Centre Theatre since the run began in mid July. The musical, presented by Brenda and Tim Dietlein, is drawing audiences from all over the Southland. At Sunday’s matinee, House Manager Kim Overton assured that there are still plenty of local folks in every audience. Glendale resident Marcia Morales celebrated the birthday of her 32-year-old daughter, Andrea Porres, at the theater, joined by sister Lisa Morales, 28.

Cast members, gathered in the theater lobby for their big entrance, included Marisa Baram, who plays “Wendy Jo”; Jamie Dix; and Bridget Pugliese. On Saturday, “Footloose” will be preceded by a barbecue dinner by Damon’s and a deejay spinning hits of the ‘80s. For tickets, call (818) 244-8481.

?RUTH SOWBY may be reached at
