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The proposed underground extension of the 710 Freeway certainly has its detractors and supporters, but there was no reason for the City Council to stake out such a hard position on the project so early in the game.

There are important legislative matters circulating in Sacramento that could greatly influence any outcome, nevermind an official environmental impact report.

Instead of waiting for all of the information to make a call, the City Council on Tuesday voted to oppose the proposal on the grounds that it would introduce more traffic, especially in the form of cargo-carrying big rigs, to the 210 Freeway north of the 134 Freeway.

What we think of the tunnel proposal, at this point, is irrelevant. What we saw Tuesday was akin to a bunch of fear-mongering by a majority of the City Council that were apparently steamrolled by north Glendale and La Crescenta interests — not to mention a discontented Ara Najarian.

As Councilman Dave Weaver put it, “I can’t vote for or against the project when I have nothing to look at.”

And we won’t have anything to look at for some time. A final analysis on the proposal is probably years away, and while we recognize that it has become a political football, it’s a shame Glendale bought into a game that has preoccupied other cities for years already.

That said, the 4-1 vote has been taken. So with more immediate and pressing infrastructure problems facing our local area, let’s hope City Hall moves to a more appropriate field.
