
Puppy love

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Paris, a boxer-terrier mix, has a permanent home at last.

She came to the Glendale Humane Society via the Los Angeles City Shelter system about four years ago, and a foster family took her in for about six months, said Alyce Russell, executive director of the Glendale Humane Society. Her foster family’s frequent travels to Canada made it difficult to find someone to care for her while they were gone, so she was returned to the society.

“We took her back into the shelter and noticed some odd lumps under her skin,” Russell said. “The vet removed them and did a biopsy on the tumors. We were sad to learn it was cancer.”

The search to find her a home has been more difficult with her mast cell condition, Russell said, so Paris has been living in the society’s office for more than three years.

“Our days began and ended with Paris,” Russell said.

That changed this week, when former humane society volunteer Laurie Cox came to pick up Paris and take her home to Middleton, Wis.

Cox moved to Middleton from Glendale a little more than a year ago. The former Burbank resident had formed a special bond with Paris, Cox said. So when her pet of 17 years died a few months ago, Cox submitted an online form to adopt Paris.

And once the form was received, it was pretty much a done deal, Russell said.

“We were concerned about what household we would allow Paris to be placed in, but we didn’t blink an eye when Laurie asked for her,” Russell said. “There isn’t anyone else we’d trust with our baby.”

On Wednesday evening, about eight staff members, volunteers and friends came to say goodbye to Paris and Cox at a party on the patio of Oceanview Bistro in Montrose.

The adoption is nothing short of amazing, said Star Mangasaryan, director of operations.

“It’s bittersweet for us,” she said. “She deserves a good home, but we are going to miss her very much.”

Cox was anticipating the trip back, explaining that Paris would be transported aboard a Pet Airways flight out of Hawthorne Airport. It’s an all-pet airline where they fly coach rather than in the cargo area of the airliner, Cox said.

On Thursday afternoon, through an e-mail to the News-Press, Cox wrote that Paris had left at 12:20 p.m. The two would be rendezvousing Friday, then driving to Middleton, Cox said.

A call to them Friday revealed that Cox and Paris arrived safely home at 12:20 p.m., 2:20 Wisconsin time.

Paris was enjoying exploring her new digs, Cox said.

“Paris is sacked out on the rug here,” she said. “The first thing she did was drink about a gallon of water from her dish.”

The second thing she did, Cox said, was jump on her new plaid-patterned bed, then on the sofa.

“She went through the doggy door but had trouble getting back in,” Cox said. “We are going out for a walk in a little bit and meet some of the neighbors who walk and ride bikes.”

Cox will continue to monitor Paris for skin tumors but she will be getting the best care, she said, because the local university has a veterinarian school that uses holistic techniques that are cutting edge.

“It feels wonderful to give a home to a dog who’s needed one for so long,” Cox said.

Also planned are hikes at the Pheasant Branch Conservancy.

It has a marsh with open water, springs, prairies, meadows, lowland forest and wooded hills, a habitat for birds and other animals, some that are threatened or endangered.

“It’s beautiful,” Cox said. “It has birds of all kinds and critters you would expect. It’s actually a prairie with flora and fauna, so it’s really special.”

She’ll also be introduced to her new neighbor dogs, Molly, a shepherd mix, and Tyson, a Pomeranian.

Cox is grateful to the Glendale Humane Society for maintaining Paris’ health, including lots of love as well as a special raw-food diet.

“I give them 100% credit for Paris being the dog she is and all the dogs that are given the best of care at the humane society,” she said.
