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Regarding the Aug. 21 letter by Bruce Gibson, “Water district not exactly conserving,” he wrote that he observed Crescenta Valley Water District servicemen flushing the water main at a fire hydrant near his home.

Your first thought may be that we are ignoring our own philosophy of conserving water. However, it is necessary to flush water mains in the system, particularly ones that are not “looped” or connected in such a way that water continually flows through these pipes.

Although it may appear to waste water, fire hydrants flushing is a routine preventive maintenance program required to remove sediments that may have accumulated inside the distribution system.

This is one of the methods used by the water districts to maintain a high water quality throughout the distribution system.

Crescenta Valley Water District conducts thousands of water quality checks each year, and periodic flushing of the “dead end” lines that help to maintain good water quality in the system.

The water district is very grateful to our customers who have undertaken conservation efforts this summer.

The water use districtwide for June and July show a reduction of approximately 15% from summer 2008 and a 20% reduction from the five-year average.

These savings will help the water district avoid penalties from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and water saved this year will help ensure that there are sufficient reserves for the future.

We thank our customers and ask that they keep up the effort to conserve water.

 VASKEN YARDEMIAN is president of the Crescenta Valley Water District Board of Directors.
