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Hoover is looking forward to the annual homecoming football game, fondly known at Hoover as Beat Glendale Day. The game is at 7 p.m. Nov. 13 at Glendale High School. Hoover fans, come out and wear purple to show your Tornado spirit!

The 52nd annual Hoover Tour of Homes will be Dec. 12, which is a change of date from Dec. 5. Beautiful homes and talented florists will be showcased in the tour as well as a complimentary tea, country kitchen bake sale and performances by many of our Hoover music groups. Tickets will be available soon.

For the latest Hoover news, visit

Toll Middle School

Thanks to all Toll students who showed their commitment to “Just Say No to Drugs” by participating in Red Ribbon Week activities. Special thanks to PTSA members Kaila Toone and Lillian Colindres for organizing the activities and the Glendale police for bringing the K9 unit to Toll for a demonstration.

Drama Club activities are open to Toll students at 3 p.m. every Monday in the Toll Auditorium at 700 Glenwood Road in Glendale.

Students are encouraged to bring in canned goods for the Toll Fall Food Drive. Food will be collected from Monday through Nov. 6. There will be no school Veterans Day, Nov. 11.

The PTSA Assn. meeting is at 7 p.m. Nov. 12, in the Toll auditorium. At the meeting participants will hear how Toll students are following up on Rachel’s Challenge of “Starting a Chain Reaction” of compassion and empathy.

Nov. 13 is a minimum day. The Toll Parents on Patrol will meet at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 24, at Toll in Room 8104. All Toll parents are invited to come to the Toll TRUST meeting at 3:15 p.m. Nov. 24, at Toll in Room 1202.

Thanks to all the Toll parents who share their time and gifts in helping the Toll community. They make a difference in our children’s education. If you have questions or are interested in helping the Toll PTSA, contact Margaret Hall, president, at (818) 247-2318, or

Balboa Elementary

A wonderful annual Balboa Pumpkin Patch was in October, thanks to event Chairwoman Lisa Deyell. Also thanks go out to all the wonderful parents who helped and to Mimi’s Cafe at 2925 Los Feliz Blvd., in Los Angeles, for its generous donation of muffins for the event.

Thanks go to Charlote Yarian and Janet Vartan for coordinating successful Red Ribbon Week activities, including guest lectures from the Glendale Police Department.

Reflections submissions were turned in Monday. Thanks to PTA President Scott Sackett for coordinating the Art Program. The annual Reflections Gala will be at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 6 in the school auditorium.

The annual Cherrydale Fundraiser has wrapped up, and many thanks go to Ricardina Astoquillca, who coordinated this major fundraiser. Also, the Art Docent program is ready to begin, thanks to Laura Frimmerstein and Ricardina Astoquillca, who are coordinating this valuable program for our students.

To help at Balboa, contact the school at (818) 241-1801.

Franklin Elementary

Franklin’s Signature Fundraiser is underway. Help your child sell the products listed in the catalog. Never allow your child to sell alone, door-to-door. With a minimum of 20 items sold, students can attend a Chuck E. Cheese field trip. Let’s help the PTA help our children and our school. The fundraiser ends today, so turn in all materials. Red Ribbon Week activities will end Friday. Franklin’s PTA sends a thank you to Catalina Lee, who helped organize the program

Please note that if your child entered the Reflections Art contest through the district, their entries were due Monday. No late returns will be accepted.

Due to the tremendous response with PTA membership, Mr. Williams agreed to run one lap for every class that reached its 100% membership goal. Many classes reached that goal, which left Mr. Williams a very tired man.

Mr. Williams ran seven laps Wednesday around the school playground, showing his commitment to increasing PTA membership at Franklin. Several students from the winning classes had the chance to throw water, without repercussions, on Mr. Williams as he ran past cheering students, faculty and staff. Thank you, Mr. Williams, for being such a good sport!

PTA and the Franklin Green Team would like to thank all the volunteers who helped beautify the school grounds this weekend.

For questions related to the PTA, contact Franklin PTA President Frances Bramlette at (818) 246-0683 or frances

Jefferson Elementary

Jefferson Elementary wrapped up a successful Red Ribbon Week! Thanks to everyone who helped decorate the school and to the children who participated and learned the value of staying drug-free. Jefferson also enjoyed an exciting Fall Festival on Friday. The playground was filled with delighted children and their parents.

Thanks to everyone who participated. Submissions for the Reflections contest were due yesterday. No late submissions will be accepted.

Jefferson will have a flag ceremony at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday in the auditorium. There will also be a Halloween Parade at 8:30 a.m. Friday next to the primary classrooms around the school’s grass area.

Call the Jefferson school office at (818) 243-4279 for more information about getting involved.

Mark Keppel Elementary

Mark Keppel looks forward to a busy November and is extending an invitation to the community to join us in two important events that benefit our school and the community.

The first event is coordinated by Tony Iezza, whom you may know not only as a Mark Keppel parent, but also through his involvement with baseball and his service with Boy Scouts. Iezza is coordinating the school’s Food Drive at Keppel, Monday through Nov. 6. Bring canned goods or any nonperishable food to the designated bins placed in our school.

Keppel’s other event is a school fundraiser, sponsored by the Mark Keppel PTA and the Make Keppel Special Foundation. Be our guest at Barnes and Noble Night at 7 p.m. Nov. 24 at the Barnes and Noble in the Americana in downtown Glendale. The fundraiser is all day, but bring your kids starting at 7 p.m. They’ll enjoy guest readers from the school including Principal Mary Mason, fifth-grade teacher Mr. Shelton, and Korean Dual Language Program Administrator Ms. Wong, to name a few. There will be a chance to win prizes, so come support the school.

For more information, call the school office at (818) 244-2113.

 FRAN TUNNO can be reached by e-mail at heyfranla@
