
Mailbag: Everyone’s innocent until proved guilty

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In response to those who say the city of Burbank is “glorifying” Sgt. Neil Thomas Gunn’s death.

The candles, flowers and flags flying at half-staff are celebrating the incredible life that Gunn led. As a daughter of a retired Burbank police lieutenant, I understand the incredible sacrifice that these men and women must face while dealing with patrolling and protecting the beautiful city of Burbank.

If anyone should know anything about suicide, it would be a police officer, because they are the first ones to respond. Do not think that they are ignorant and incapable of understanding what these actions lead to.

And on a different note, how dare you forget that we live in the United States of America, and all men and women are innocent until proved guilty. Shame on you for turning your back on one of the finest members of the Burbank Police Department.



Curfew critic isn’t qualified to judge

John F. Cabrera (“Don’t like noise? Then move,” Nov. 13) is a prime example of an attitude the British call “I’m all right, Jack.” Living in Glendale, well out of the flight paths, he has the nerve to tell those of us stuck in the flight path to simply move.

Twenty-one years ago when we bought our home adjacent to the WB Ranch, and several miles from the airport, we checked for sound. We were concerned about the proximity to the freeway. We sat in our car all day listening. We heard nothing on the road or in the air, and promptly went into escrow.

For years, the only time we heard a plane was when there was a strong wind and they had to land and take off from a different direction.

Five or six years ago that changed, and we began hearing the 7 a.m. takeoffs and flights throughout the day. I called the airport and spoke to a spokesman who assured me that no flight paths had changed because airspace is so regulated, etc. etc. I didn’t for a second believe him.

Our argument is very simple: When we bought the house we never heard planes, and now we do. Maybe we’re not deafened, and we’re certainly not near enough the airport to qualify for soundproofing, but it is an annoyance and likely to make it harder to find a buyer if we ever sell.

And now Cabrera and his “you knew you were by an airport” wants more flights and later flights for his own personal convenience.

If anyone should move, it’s Cabrera. He needs to move to my block for a couple of years and then move closer to the airport for a couple of more years. Then he can have an opinion.



Not thrilled with parcel-tax idea

I read with interest the Nov. 12 article “Educators consider parcel tax,” about the school board discussion of a parcel tax to provide additional funding for Glendale Unified School District.

Recent reports from Glendale Unified told us that their budget was stabilized given recent state revenue reductions. Congratulations are in order for the folks at Glendale Unified.

Now the topic of a parcel tax is being raised, and it appears that the additional tax would be needed to offset further state funding reductions and possibly the cost of a new teachers union contract.

Perhaps the teachers should recognize that this is not a time to add additional burden to community property owners and settle for an extension of the current contract. It is just a thought.


La Cañada Flintridge

Another vote in favor of Schiff’s vote

I also thank Rep. Adam Schiff for his courageous and moral vote to provide health-care security for all Americans (“Schiff’s vote shows that he gets it,” Nov. 12).

It’s interesting reading the opposition decry the costs by claiming our children will be unhappy with this reform. They seem to forget that it was the youth of America who turned out in record numbers across the country to elect President Obama and the Democratic majority, knowing that their agenda included the reform of our broken health-insurance system.

The work has just begun. Let’s hope the Senate remembers who elected them, and shows the same courage as Schiff.



Congressman showed courage in the House

I thank Rep. Adam Schiff for his vote on the health-care-reform bill (“Health reform moves on,” Nov. 12).

This was clearly a vote for the American people and not the insurance industry.

Because of his courage in withstanding the pressures of the insurance lobby, people like my wife, Adrienne, will pay the same as those without preexisting conditions.


