
Briefly in Business

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Nearly 1 million shoes collected in two weeks

Soles4Souls, an international charity that provides shoes to people in need, reported that in just two weeks, Sport Chalet collected more than 950,000 pairs of shoes for Haiti relief.

Jan. 14 through Jan. 31, new and gently worn shoes were dropped off at all 55 Sport Chalet locations.

Soles4Souls had originally set a national goal to collect 250,000 pairs of shoes, and Sport Chalet set theirs at 55,000 pairs. After the first three days, Sport Chalet had collected nearly 70,000 pairs and so increased their personal goal to 250,000 pairs, while Soles4Souls increased their national goal to 1.3 million, according to the nonprofit.

For more information, visit

Richman lauded by Simi Valley Chamber

Keith Richman of Lakeside Medical Group, a Glendale corporation, received the Legacy Award from the Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce at its annual Business Achievement luncheon Jan. 29.

The chamber has given the Legacy Award out only twice in the last 50 years.

Richman was recognized for his support of various Simi Valley charities and organizations through his representation in the Lakeside Medical Group.

NAMI Family to Family Education Course

NAMI Glendale will sponsor the Family to Family Education Program for people diagnosed with serious mental illness. The 12-week series of classes will be from 7 to 9:30 p.m. beginning March 4 at VMH Care, 1540 E. Colorado St. in Glendale.

The course will cover information about schizophrenia, mood disorders (bipolar disorder and major depression), panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder; basic information about medications; listening and communication techniques; problem solving skills; recovery and rehabilitation. The course is designed specifically for parents, siblings, spouses, teenage and adult sons and daughters, partners and significant others who are caregivers for people with severe and persistent mental illness. The course is free.

For more information, or to register, call Jonée B. Shady at (213) 251-6516 or e-mail
