
Glendale City Council Meeting Preview

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City budget

The City Council today will receive an update on the city’s general fund budget. Year-end revenues are projected to be $3.7 million less than expected, according to a city report.


The council will likely discuss potential further reductions to fill the gap.


Small business grant

The City Council today will consider appropriating nearly $100,000 in grant funds from the U.S. Small Business Administration to provide outreach and marketing services for small local businesses, with a focus on businesses owned by women and minorities.

The grant will support Verdugo Workforce Investment Board officials, who market Small Business Administration loans and services to the local companies.


The council is expected to approve the appropriation of grant funds.


Senior meals program

The council will consider authorizing an agreement with the Los Angeles County Department of Community and Senior Services for the senior meals program with $214,284 in federal funding.

The contract will cover 39,382 meals at city facilities and 11,551 home-delivered meals for the elderly.


The council is expected to authorize the agreement.


Telecom facility

The council will consider an ordinance authorizing the city to enter into a new agreement with STC One LLC for an existing telecommunications facility on Pasa Glen Drive near the Glendale Sports Complex.

The new lease would be for $3,000 per month, double the fees of the previous 10-year lease, plus an additional $500 per month for adding more equipment to the facility. The agreement is expected to generate $42,000 in annual city revenue to support park maintenance.


The council is expected to authorize the agreement, as it is governed by state and federal law. Council members introduced the ordinance without debate last week.
