
Down on the dumps

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LA CRESCENTA — The dozens of dump trucks traversing Pennsylvania Avenue as they carry debris gathered from area catch basins at Dunsmore Canyon has caused growing concerns among some residents about noise, increased traffic and smog.

Glendale police have received a few complaints about the long line of dump trucks constantly driving up and down Pennsylvania Avenue so close to Valley View Elementary School, Sgt. Tom Lorenz said.

Due to safety concerns, a motor officer was stationed in the neighborhood about two weeks ago to ensure the operation was running smoothly, he said.

Officers have been monitoring truck speeds, especially because Pennsylvania is on a slope, Lorenz said. And they have also made sure truck drivers completely yield at stop signs.

Since then, officers have stopped and cited a couple of truck drivers, who are working under contract for the county, Lorenz said.

“We are monitoring that,” he said. “We are working together with the truck drivers.”

He acknowledged the inconvenience of the truck traffic, but said the debris basins had to be cleared. Public works crews have been working around the clock to clear mud-clogged catch basins, taking advantage of the clear skies after two weeks of inclement weather.

City officials said Los Angeles County Public Works would continue removing mud and debris on a 24-hour cycle for two more weeks.

While conceding that the hauling was necessary, some residents say the constant dump truck activity has been a nuisance.

John Giblin, who lives on Pennsylvania Avenue, said the army of trucks should have a daytime hauling schedule to limit noise at night while people are sleeping.

“This is a residential neighborhood, so I would say that’s probably not the best,” he said.

Roger Smith, who lives on the road, said the smoke and noise have been difficult to deal with.

“If you stand out here long enough, you can smell the exhaust,” he said.

Another concern is potential damage to the pavement as a result of the constant pounding of heavy trucks. Smith said an alternate route should be considered.

“They are going to beat up the street like they do the freeway, he said. “So pretty soon, this street is not going to be able to handle all of it.”

Despite the annoyances, some residents said it was nice to know progress on the catch basins was being made. Mari Mardirosia and her family said they didn’t mind enduring the noise given that debris basins were being cleared out and the risk for disaster was being reduced.

“They are doing their job,” she said. “The noise is there, but they have to do it.”
