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GCC golf match postponed

For the second week in a row, a Western State Conference golf match involving the Glendale Community College men’s team was postponed.

The Vaqueros were scheduled to play Monday at Valencia Country Club, but the facility was apparently sold, according to Glendale college Coach Greg Osbourne. The match will be held at 10 a.m. March 15 at the same site.

A conference match scheduled for Feb. 15 at San Dimas Country Club was postponed because of a scheduling snafu. Osbourne said a makeup date for that match hasn’t been set.

AYSO Region 88 honored again

For the sixth straight season, American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) Region 88 of Glendale/La Crescenta has been awarded a Platinum Regional Assessment Award for the 2008-09 AYSO season. The award honors Region 88 for overall excellence and its commitment to serving its communities and other AYSO Regions.

AYSO has nearly 1,000 regions which are the national soccer organization’s community-based leagues. Only 135 AYSO Regions in the nation received the accolade.

The awards signifies the model AYSO’s philosophies and commitment in providing a family-friendly youth soccer experience.

To qualify for the Platinum level, a Region must complete 78 requirements, including all requirements for other award levels. Additional requirements to attain the Platinum level include providing assistance to a new, disadvantaged or sister AYSO Region, having a community relations program in place and utilizing short-sided games to enhance the soccer development of its players.
