
In The Spotlight:

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Glendale-based inventors Scott and Kurt Comstock sat in their office in early January disappointed that they may not be able to demonstrate their latest invention due to the heavy rains pelting the area.

In the room behind their office is a storage room filled with boxes of their latest invention. The Yucycle — think tricycle with thicker tires and no handlebars — allows the rider to use their body weight to steer the bike.

The wheel design of the cycle takes advantage of cambered wheels. Cambered wheels have the advantage of “providing more stability,” Scott Comstock said. The wheels are slightly inverted, and can sometimes be found on high-end car models.

The Comstocks demonstrated the features of the cycle in their warehouse, the skies over Glendale cleared, and soon the brothers were demonstrating the bike around their office parking lot.

Scott Comstock sat in the driver’s seat, and Kurt stood on a bar at the rear of the cycle, with his hands on his brother’s shoulders for balance. Scott Comstock, with his arms spread out like an airplane, effortlessly maneuvered the bike around the lot, showing that it’s “easy to operate even with two people onboard,” he said.

The idea for the Yucycle stemmed from Scott Comstock’s experience riding a unicycle with his son, Carter. After the younger Comstock failed riding the unicycle, the elder Comstock, who has ridden unicycles all his life, decided to design a cycle that would have the feel of a unicycle, sans the difficult part of maintaining it upright. Thus the Yucycle was born.

After several trial runs with different designs, the final model of the cycle was approved by the brothers. Many of the prototypes are still in their warehouse, which also doubles as a recording studio.

“It was too hard to ride,” said Scott Comstock, remembering his son’s attempts at riding the unicycle.

The cycle is designed for girls and boys 10 and older, Scott Comstock said, and he has seen more girls ride the bike than boys, he added. With about 500 cycles in stock, the brothers are ready to release their product to select stores.

“It’s a new experience, like nothing you’ve ever ridden before,” Kurt Comstock said.

The brothers have been inventors all their lives. The Yucycle is a self-financed endeavor, they said.

“People just want to see it because they have never seen something like this before,” Scott Comstock said. “This is something I feel could go big.”
