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Smoking restrictions take effect today

Changes to Glendale’s anti-smoking ordinance, including restrictions on balconies and patios in multi-unit residential buildings, take effect today.

Among the changes, city officials will now be able to cite smokers for infractions without first giving a warning. Under the ordinance, offenders face progressively higher fines up to $500, with the fourth infraction in a year becoming a misdemeanor.

Landlords of apartment buildings must also disclose the location of units where smoking is permitted and any designated smoking areas. Smoking in most common areas of multi-unit buildings, either for condos or apartments, is prohibited, although homeowners associations may designate certain areas where it is allowed.

Citywide, smoking is not allowed at parks or most publicly accessible land, including places like the Americana at Brand and near business entrances. Outdoor patios must also meet strict separation requirements for smoking and nonsmoking sections.

The enforcement follows more than a year of public outreach and warnings.
