
Mailbag: Principal story a disappointment

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Glendale News Press

What a disappointing June 10 article titled, “Rosemont taps principal.” The article smacks of tabloid fodder and attempts to pay Cynthia Livingston a back-handed compliment about her “earning” the promotion of principal of Rosemont Middle School despite her being the “longtime girlfriend” of retiring Glendale Unified Supt. Michael Escalante.

Livingston has been an asset to Glendale Unified generally, and Fremont Elementary specifically — often times going above and beyond the call of duty.

The students, parents and staff of Rosemont are very fortunate to have this honor bestowed upon them, and her promotion was certainly earned honorably, in my family’s opinion.


La Crescenta

Editor’s note: Thornbury is a Crescenta Valley Town Council member.

Livingston perfect for principal position

I am writing this letter to express my complete support and approval of the Glendale Unified School District Board of Education’s decision to promote Cynthia Livingston from principal of Fremont Elementary School to principal of Rosemont Middle School (“Rosemont taps principal,” June 10).

Aside from having excellent academic credentials and a great familiarity with Glendale schools, Livingston is simply a great person. As a parent who has had two children attend Fremont Elementary School, I became quite familiar with Livingston and her style of leadership. She brings an enthusiasm and positive energy to the school and the students that I have rarely seen in education or in any other field. She is always available to parents and very much able to connect personally to all her students.

The parents and children at Rosemont are extremely fortunate to have such a capable and dynamic principal at the school next year. I am looking forward for my eighth-grader to have an excellent year in the fall under Livingston.



Editor’s note: Najarian is mayor of Glendale.

City needs to hurry up on solar power

I’d like to thank you for your continuing coverage of the issue of solar energy in Glendale (“Solar fight wages on,” June 8).

Because it has been more than 30 years since the California Solar Rights Act was enacted, it seems like some pressure is needed to motivate Glendale to finally start complying with the law and going solar. Your writing certainly helps the cause.

I have one small nit with the latest article: giving voice to Chief Assistant City Atty. Mike Garcia’s straw-man argument about using solar panels to get a code exemption to build a new building under the panels.

This is clearly not the intent of the law, which includes a “primary purpose” clause in the definition of solar systems to bar such actions. Garcia repeatedly brings up this point to rationalize the city’s noncompliance with the law.

Like his arguments about so-called interpretations of the law by other cities that do not comply, this has nothing to do with the actual law, or the enforcement of the law, or the people who are trying to modernize our energy system. They are arguments that have no merit, just like others Garcia has tried in the past and California Deputy Atty. Gen. Deborah Slon dismissed.

It is clear that the city will continue to fight against the law, and will continue to fail to bring significant amounts of residential solar power to Glendale; so the fight will not end any time soon.


