
PTA News: School events were enriching all year long

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Glendale News Press

As the school year comes to an end, so much has happened in our schools.

As I receive information from you, the endless energy of our volunteers constantly amazes me!

In looking back over the last year, the fundraising efforts, activities and programs are abundant and have enriched our students’ experiences in so many ways.

I would like to thank my correspondents for this past year for their promptness in supplying me with the information that appears every month in our column.

They are: Pat Chambers, Melody McCormick, Charlotte Fuglie-Briner, Gail Richardson, Vera Miro, Susan Yee, Lynn Miyamoto, Camille Levee, Kim Bishop, Julie Taylor and Susan Hunt.

I am always looking for information from all schools in our cluster, so if you notice that your school is not represented, please contact me!

Mountain Avenue Elementary

A big thank you goes to Sandy Russell for her outstanding leadership as PTA president over the last two years.

Her efforts on behalf of children will continue next year as she chairs the legislation committee and the membership campaign.

Check out the new website that has a variety of interactive features, such as a new calendar, classroom information and links to newsletters and updates about events. The address is www.mountain

Incoming PTA President Lourdes Wang has selected her leadership theme — EAM Mountain Avenue: Together Everyone Achieves More for our kids — and she has assembled her team who will be working on planning next year’s activities.

Valley View Elementary

Welcome to the 2010-11 PTA board members: Susan Smith, president; Molly Hwang, executive vice president; Myra Goethals, Patty An, Marilyn Wright, vice presidents; Jodi Fitzgibbons, recording secretary; Hyeon-Ji Seo, corresponding secretary; Gina O’Bryan, treasurer; Lydia Kim, auditor; Robin Pincini, historian; and Shelby Thamasian, parliamentarian.

La Crescenta Elementary

The Foundation would like to thank all those who have helped make this a successful year raising money for the school in these tough economic times. Thanks to their efforts, 14 cameras, projectors and televisions were purchased for the classrooms. The goal for next year is to upgrade the computers in the library.

The PTA and Foundation would also like to say farewell to those students and their parents moving on from elementary school. Our sincere thanks to Jo Ann and Alex Stupakis, Patty Betancourt and Susan Peterson for their many years of support.

New families to are welcome to the New Family Orientation at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 26 in the cafeteria.

Crescenta Valley High

New officers were installed at the June association meeting. In addition, funds were approved for the purchase of many different items for the classrooms.

Scholarships totaling $5,000 were presented to students with special needs, those involved in community service and for general scholarships. To show its commitment to character development, $5,000 was given to sponsor an assembly on this subject. This brings the total to date of almost $28,000 donated to the school.
