
Mailbag: Bill overseeing officials is what we need

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I agree, it’s time to get tough on government spending and management of programs (“Political Landscape: Bill tough on government,” June 17). The passage of the Government Efficiency, Effectiveness and Performance Improvement Act, co-sponsored by Rep. Adam Schiff, is a welcome ray of light on a problem that concerns us all.

Too often, the performance of government agencies is seen as either overbearing or asleep at the switch. For many informed observers of the activities of government agencies, the Government Efficiency and Performance Improvement Act is a major step toward eliminating mismanagement and waste in government.

The bill requires that every five years, government agencies, along with the Office of Management and Budget must identify and demonstrate the continuing value of their goals and the effectiveness of their management. Quarterly reports assessing their strengths and weaknesses in achieving their mission, along with a performance improvement council, are also required and would allow the Government Accountability Office to determine the agencies’ efficiency in spending taxpayer dollars.

We need more members in Congress like Schiff!

Jane Chetron

La Cañada

Press on autism is appreciated

I would like to thank the News-Press and Michael J. Arvizu for the story about Tobinworld School (“In The Spotlight: Tobin’s world is expanding,” June 21).

I have a son with autism and also work for a nonprofit that raises money for research and supports families affected by this disorder. Autism affects 1 in 110 children and 1 in 70 boys, so it’s important that people understand how serious it is, especially since the numbers have risen in recent years.

One part of our organization’s mission is raising awareness, so any press that lets the public know about autism is extremely helpful.

Phillip Hain

