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Assistance League presents scholarships

Assistance League of Glendale annually gives a $1,000 scholarship to each of its recipients. There were seven this year.

They are Ani Ebrahimian, Crescenta Valley High School; Destiny Floyd, Glendale Community College, nursing; Cristine Kocharian, Glendale Community College, nursing, transfer student; Narah Moon, Hoover High School; Mayra Bonilla, Glendale High School; Claire Arakelian, Clark Magnet High School; and Courtney Hogenson, Glendale Community College re-entry student.

Funds for scholarships are raised through the league’s Thrift Alley , 314 W. Harvard St. The members staff the store as volunteers and all the merchandise is received from community members who want to clean out their closets.

Criteria for the award given since 1962 is based on community service, school leadership, grade-point average and financial need. Assistance League of Glendale has helped hundreds of young women realize their academic potential and pursue promising careers.

Elms administrator receives leadership award

The American College of Health Care Administrators honored Dolores Diehl, administrator of Elms Convalescent Hospital in Glendale, with the 2010 American College of Health Care Facility Leadership Award.

Diehl was one of 31 recipients nationwide who received the Facility Leadership Award in 2010. This annual award recognizes administrators of nursing homes that have met superior health-care standards.

Diehl has been with the Elms Convalescent Hospital for 17 of her 37 years in administration of health-care facilities. She attributes her success to the support of the Elms’ owners of 35 years, who have always encouraged quality of service.

Graduate from Bucknell University

Shana M. Palencia, the daughter of Eddy and Janet Palencia of Glendale, and a 2006 graduate of Hoover High School, graduated with a bachelor degree in political science and education from Bucknell University.

Military personnel serving their country

Army Reserve Pfc. Migran Zeytunyan has graduated from Basic Combat Training at Fort Sill in Lawton, Okla.

He is the brother of Roman Zeytunyan of Glendale.
