
PTA News: Summer programs in full swing

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A beautiful Baccalaureate service honoring Hoover High School graduates was held at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church followed by a candlelight supper at the Verdugo Hills Country Club. Thanks to all those who helped with the evening. The PTSA hosted a successful staff appreciation lunch. A delicious buffet was provided by the PTSA, Purple Circle, Boosters and Korean and Armenian Parents associations.

On June 18, the iconic Hoover Hills “H” was changed to a “10” to honor the 2010 graduating class, and wonderful speeches were given by top students including valedictorian Katherine Park. Beloved outgoing Principal Kevin Welsh said an emotional goodbye.

Cartoon Network’s live-action show “Destroy Build Destroy” featuring Hoover staff and students as contestants began filming June 14.

Hoover’s Class of 1970 will have its 40th reunion on July 31 at the Castaway Restaurant. For more information, contact Ken Beall at Summer school began June 22, offering 35 classes.

For the latest Hoover news, visit

Toll Middle School

Toll Middle School’s summer school program is in full swing after a successful school year. Toll eighth- graders had a lovely promotion ceremony at the Hoover High School football field. Several students were honored with awards for outstanding achievement and Toll’s retiring teachers were bid a fond farewell.

If you have questions about the Toll Middle School PTSA, or would like to volunteer, contact Margaret Hall at

Balboa Elementary

Congratulations to the new Balboa PTA Board including President Patricia Morgan and other members Scott Sackett, Nono Petrosian, Berenice Avina, Madlen Ghazarian, Lisa Deyell, Rania Jurdi, Charlotte Yarian, Sara Khosrvai, Dawn Velazquez, Ricardina Astoquillca, Jenik Gharadaghi and teacher liaison, Mary Rose Grim. Thank you to Scott Sackett for serving two years as the PTA president and Bugle editor. Congratulations to Nick Lizarraga for being our new Bugle editor.

If you’d like to volunteer at Balboa, contact the school at (818) 241-1801.

Franklin Elementary

Franklin Elementary is full of students this summer with students in English, Spanish and German summer school programs. There are many ways for parents to be involved and volunteer at Franklin. Over the summer our fantastic parents are keeping the garden and trees alive and planning for next year. We especially want to reach out to our incoming kindergarten parents and encourage their involvement. Contact PTA President Jennifer Freemon at or the front office at (818) 243-1809 to see how you may help.

If you have any questions related to the PTA, contact Franklin Elementary at (818) 243-1809.

Jefferson Elementary

Jefferson had a successful school year. Many thanks to all parents and families who’ve generously given of their time and talent this year to make Jefferson a more wonderful school. If you’d like to volunteer at Jefferson, call the school office at (818) 243-4279.

Mark Keppel Elementary

Mark Keppel ended the school year with a very successful Rocking for the Arts concert. Everyone had a wonderful time, and the children who participated really showed amazing talent. Now as the summer begins, Dr. Mason is hard at work with plans to make next year as awesome as this year! On June 30, Gerri Cragnotti graciously opened her home to Keppel parents for a Meet and Greet with Dr. Mason. The event was held to acquaint parents with Mark Keppel’s outstanding Korean Dual Immersion Program. Contact the Keppel front office at (818) 244-2113 for details on the program.

If you’d like to volunteer at Keppel, contact the school office at (818) 244-2113.

FRAN TUNNO can be reached by e-mail at
