
Mailbag: More police belong on Glenoaks

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It’s safe to say most Glendale and Burbank residents probably don’t feel safe driving on the Glendale Speedway, aka Glenoaks Boulevard. It has come to the attention of many motorists that Glenoaks Boulevard has become a very common place for speeders, fast cars and young cruisers.

Glendale and Burbank police have done their part in cracking down, but many residents would agree that not enough has been done. Although the speed limit is 40 mph on the boulevard, it has become more of a speed guideline as it is the average speed, which is more like 50 mph. To prevent any more accidents, such as the involving the young 17-year-old boy who crashed speeding and overtaking vehicles a couple of years ago on Glenoaks at Highland Avenue, police must do more.

I have found myself using Glenoaks when the Ventura (134) Freeway has been jammed. Even in the thickest of traffic, I have witnessed on several occasions young drivers weaving in and out of traffic recklessly, even using the shoulder at times. Without a doubt, I am sure that there will be more casualties on this street as long as police presence remains weak on Glenoaks.

I’ve seen maybe one or two drivers get caught. In order to help contain this situation, residents must do their part in reporting reckless drivers. Glendale and Burbank police must also increase police presence on major streets where speeding, cruising and even street racing are present, but go on without police intervention.

Marc Anunta


GCC students have no reason to gripe

Regarding the June 29 article “GCC students struggle to find classes,” students are not forced to struggle to find classes, they choose to.

It’s true that fewer classes are being offered at Glendale Community College, and therefore fewer students get the opportunity of enrolling. But if a student truly goes after their education, they’ll earn it. I know this because I’ve experienced it.

Here are some tips for students to enroll in the classes they want: Stay on schedule, and always take your actions as early as possible, as in take advantage of your priority by registering your classes during the first second of your appointment. Students can also raise their priority by raising their grade-point average, joining the scholars program and being an athlete.

I’m a recent early grad from Hoover High School, and I’ve had a great experience enrolling at Glendale Community College. I’ve started college as a high school “jump start” student in fall 2009 and aced all of my classes ever since, giving me higher priorities. Now that I’ve become a full-time student at GCC as a 15-year-old, I’ve got higher priorities than most other students who have been here for years. My priority has been improving every semester, and now I’ve earned the highest priority, first appointment, to enroll for fall 2010.

This leads some students to ask, “Why is a 15-year-old sitting in my place while I ‘struggle’ to find classes?” The answer to that is simply, “It’s too late to struggle now; you should’ve been working hard to enroll in the class before the semester started.”

Karen Isakhanian


Flagging confidence in Glendale residents

July 4 was a picture-perfect day in Glendale to celebrate America’s independence! Every year, a generous and patriotic local resident gifts each front lawn in her surrounding area with an 11-by-18 American flag in honor of our country’s special day. It is truly an awesome sight to view our neighborhoods reflecting the pride we share in our flag!

This year, to our dismay, these flags on multiple adjacent streets were removed by a group of children ranging from a 4-year-old girl to teenage males. The flags were buried in a hole with only the flagstick in evidence. The glee and delight of these unsupervised children was caught on video. A police report of the theft was filed immediately.

Such a sad ending to an otherwise perfect day! What has happened in and to Glendale?

Maureen Neary

