
Briefly In Public Safety: Mother surrenders her baby at hospital

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Mother surrenders her baby at hospital

GLENDALE — A woman surrendered her 2-day-old infant Friday at a Glendale hospital, health officials announced.

As a part of the Los Angeles County’s Safe Surrender program, the woman gave up her baby boy, who was born June 30, to the hospital, county public health officials said. The name of the hospital was not disclosed, nor was the woman’s identity.

“This case could have ended in tragedy, but because of the Safe Surrender Program, this baby boy has a long life ahead of him,” Supervisor Don Knabe said in a statement. “I am happy this mother made the right choice for her baby.”

The program allows parents to surrender an infant younger than 3 days old, and there can’t be any signs of abuse.

The baby boy was in good condition and placed under protective custody, county officials said.

The county Department of Children and Family Services must approve the family who will adopt the baby.

The baby boy was the third infant to be surrendered this year. He is the 79th infant to be given up since the program started nine years ago, according to the county.
