
Mailbag: Stiffer fines needed on Glenoaks

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I agree in that not only do we need more patrolling along the Glenoaks “speedway,” but stiffer fines will definitely curtail the temptation to step on the gas pedal (“More police belong on Glenoaks Blvd.,” July 7).

Let us also keep in mind that once the authorities clamp down on Glenoaks Boulevard, drivers will find new roads on which to show off their cars.

Extra stoplights and cameras have been added; however, this appears to have caused little improvement. We must find different alternatives to make it safer for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers in our beautiful city.

We live here, pay our taxes, and therefore must take ownership of our Jewel City.

Dan Flores


More parents should support drug testing

I always knew that drugs were an issue in today’s society, but I never could fathom to what extent. I have an entirely new view on the world of drugs and what role they play in our young adults’ community after all this drug testing in our schools (“In Depth: Drug testing; Schools: Kids’ use expands,” May 1).

Some students do not appear to perceive drugs as a serious problem. However, it’s at a point where we have police dogs searching for drugs in our schools. I thought that schools were supposed to be secure locations where parents could trust that their children would be in good hands, but that appears to be easier said than done.

Schools need a lot of assistance, and we need to figure out a way to condition our children to stay away from drugs in the first place.

I support random drug testing, but the only thing that I find a little troubling is that we do not have enough parents supporting the program. Perhaps there needs to be more incentive for both students and parents.

Arbi Tahmasian


GCC trustees ought to focus on students

I agree with everyone venting about the class situation at Glendale Community College (“GCC should be cutting expenses,” July 6).

I had a difficult time adding a class last semester, so I had to give up a chemistry class, which I should have taken to transfer.

I understand this situation is down-to-wire, and it is inevitable with all this cost-cutting that someone’s going to feel it unless the economy turns around immediately. But what we must remember is the fact that the biggest victims are the students.

Because many students could not get in the class they need to take for transferring, they have to delay transferring. In most cases, it is delayed by one year because most schools do not accept transfer students in the spring.

I think a student’s one-year delay cannot be compared with a 3% salary cut. College trustees must not forget they are educators before they are administrators. Especially when facing a financial crisis, the college should give priority to students.

Ashley Sohn

