
PTA News: Council president foresees promising year

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Incoming Glendale Council PTA President Elizabeth Manasserian has chosen the theme “Challenges Create Opportunities” for her first term of office.

In her introductory letter to incoming PTA board members, she writes, “I am so honored and grateful to work with such a great team of individuals, board members and unit presidents who have selflessly given their time and effort and energy to our children and to the betterment of our community and our schools. I know the coming year is going to be a challenging year for all of us, full of changes and surprises, but I am confident that we all have the love, kindness and the zeal to make the best of every challenge and the best of every situation and rise to the top.

“I would like to extend my welcome to all the new PTA unit presidents and the continuing unit presidents and to all incoming and continuing board members. Now more than ever our children count on us. We are their voices, and they are the 9 million reasons that keep us going.”

Thank you to Ms. Manasserian for taking on the very monumental task of leading the PTA into a most challenging year that will create many wonderful opportunities.

Valley View Elementary

The first day of school is Aug. 30 with the PTA Howdy Coffee and volunteer sign-ups.

Save Sept. 7 for Back to School night. The PTA Membership Drive, Education Foundation Campaign for Excellence and Korean Parents Assn. Membership Drive all begin Aug. 30. Families are encouraged to join, donate and participate in all three organizations.

La Crescenta Elmentary

The school office is closed for the summer and will reopen Aug. 17. Howdy Coffee for parents will be at 8:30 a.m. Aug. 30 in the cafetorium.

Dunsmore Elementary

Incoming PTA President Suzette Melko wishes everyone a happy July! She wants to remind Dunsmore Hilltoppers to continue saving their plastic bottles and aluminum cans throughout the summer for the next KIDsCAN collection in the fall. Summer office hours are 8 a.m. to noon until July 29. Enjoy the rest of the summer break!

JO ANN STUPAKIS covers the Crescenta Valley cluster, and her column appears every three weeks. She can be reached at or by phone at (818) 248-8507.
