
Michael Jackson’s resting place defaced

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GLENDALE— Forest Lawn Memorial Park officials confirmed Tuesday that visitors defaced the outside walls of Michael Jackson’s mausoleum with messages written in black marker.

Fans appeared to have written the messages of adoration for Jackson, but it was unclear when the words were written, said William Martin, Forest Lawn’s communications manager.

“It’s unfortunate people are deciding to deface private property and not respecting the serenity of the park,” he said.

The cemetery’s maintenance department will likely remove the messages using a high-pressured washer, Martin said. The cost of damage is negligible, he added.

The website TMZ displayed photographs of the messages, which said “Love you Michael, you are always in my heart” and “Miss you sweet angel.”

Forest Lawn is not planning to file a police report, Martin said.

But park officials are evaluating the level of access to entrances of the Great Mausoleum, the site of Jackson’s tomb, he added.

Glendale police were not investigating the incident because a report was not filed, Sgt. Tom Lorenz said.

“It is only vandalism if it costs to clean up,” Lorenz said. “If there is not a value placed on cleanup, then it is not vandalism.”

Jackson’s death drew thousands of fans on June 25 to Forest Lawn on the first anniversary of his death.

The outside entrance to the mausoleum was inundated with flowers, notes, photos and art.

Fans have continued to visit Jackson’s grave since the anniversary, Martin said.
