
Mailbag: Courthouse has distinctive look

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The Glendale Historical Society strongly agrees with Police Chief Ron De Pompa that the Los Angeles County courthouse should remain at its current location on the southwest corner of Broadway and Glendale Avenue (“Design firm is chosen,” July 12).

It should, in fact, remain in the very same building, enlarged and updated as necessary to meet the county’s present requirements.

The existing courthouse, designed by prominent local architect Arthur Wolfe and built in 1959, is one of the most important and distinctive post-World War II buildings in downtown Glendale’s civic corridor. It features the classic characteristics of modern architecture — clean lines, wide expanses of glass, a strong horizontal emphasis — as well as a unique, serpentine façade of red brick. The courthouse is eligible for listing on both the California Register of Historical Resources and the National Register of Historic Places.

Adapting the existing building and expanding it with a sensitively designed annex with multi-deck parking would simultaneously accomplish a number of important goals: It would fulfill the court’s spatial and functional requirements, while maintaining its prominence in the civic corridor and its proximity to police headquarters.

It would also help foster the city’s goal of sustainability, since the “greenest” building is of course one that already exists; and it would preserve a unique and significant element of Glendale’s architectural heritage.

John LoCascio


Editor’s note: LoCascio is an architect and president of the Glendale Historical Society.

Veterans need even more care

Dee Ann Nason, a chiropractor, established the free Military Care program for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans at her clinic (“She’s at Veterans’ Service,” June 7).

I would like to hail Dee Ann Nason’s effort for veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan (“In The Spotlight: She’s at veterans’ service,” June 7).

She established the free military care program for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans at her clinic. In my estimation, it was a pretty tough decision for her because she had to spend her own money and time to treat the veterans.

Unfortunately, despite her good deed, the temporary free care program can’t be the ultimate solution for veterans. The soldiers who retired served their nation while they devoted their youth.

This clinic apparently fills an unfair void. If this unfair situation is still continuing, who wants to enter the military and be dispatched to dangerous places like Iraq or Afghanistan?

Jinho Choi


Don’t close railroad crossing

A few weeks back, the News-Press ran an article describing how Glendale and Metrolink officials are attempting to close down railroad crossings along San Fernando Road at Brazil and Doran Streets (“Closing concerns,” June 26). Already closed some time ago was the crossing near Algier Street.

I wish to lodge my strong protest against the closure of these crossings. Local businesses have described how closing Doran Street will hurt them financially and create more dangerous conditions at the remaining crossings. Closing them will also inconvenience people like me who live in the area.

I am not impressed by the safety issues that have been raised. Yes, an 86-year-old woman was killed at the Doran crossing. Without any details of the accident, who can say whether the design of the crossing was to blame?

Yes, pedestrians and vehicles foolishly ignore warning signs and lowered gates and try to outrun trains, or stop on railroad tracks. Why do the rest of us have to suffer because of other drivers’ stupidity or carelessness?

The same goes for the plague of left-turn arrows that keep motorists waiting an excessive amount of time for no good reason because people made unsafe turns in the past.

I do, however, agree that the propane company near the Doran Street crossing is a genuine hazard to the entire neighborhood. I think this facility should be encouraged to move to a more sparsely settled area.

Steven Asimow

