
Mailbag: ‘Videographer’ needs another hobby

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‘Videographer’ needs another hobby

Self-proclaimed “videographer” Peter Musurlian needs to get a life (“Library boots videographer,” July 28).

I understand that he may be angry that a non-Armenian (Mike Gatto) won our local Assembly seat. But that does not justify following Gatto around and creating a scene at public meetings.

Arpi Kevorkian


City has a lot to learn from Bell debacle

In a July 25 article published in the Los Angeles Times titled “Ripple effect of Bell deals,” columnist Steve Lopez reported on pension expert Marcia Kelly’s opinions that Glendale would indeed have a relatively increased liability for Adams’ pension — albeit, according to her, stemming from its membership in some sort of an apparent consortium of 140 similar-sized cities.

If she is correct, then this fiasco should serve as a wake-up, look-before-you-leap call for those Glendale officials who, per various news reports, are seemingly all gung-ho for the city’s taking part in yet another, currently in the planning process, multi-city regional planning organization!

Harvey Pearson

Los Feliz
