
Mailbag: Work together for safer driving

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Glendale is great! Low crime rate, very little graffiti, few homeless, beautiful shops, nice libraries, friendly people and I could continue writing the accolades.

However, the main purpose of this letter is to respond to Sheila Farrell Murray’s Aug. 3 letter, “More stop signs needed on street.” Murray is concerned about the horrific situation of speeders on Chevy Chase Drive, the consequences they have produced and what can be done by the city of Glendale to stop it.

I have lived on Emerald Isle Drive, which dead ends into Chevy Chase Drive, since 1968, and I am likewise concerned about the would-be NASCAR drivers on our streets who have no concern for their safety or others.

Cars come crashing around corners, hit the curb and speed off. There have been many, many accidents on our street. Fortunately, no one has been killed, either on the streets or the sidewalks in our area, but I also feel it is just a matter of time before this occurs.

And it is not only in the canyons. Take a trip any time of day or night, anywhere in Glendale and you will see drivers disobeying the laws and driving carelessly.

Where and when does the problem stop? It stops where it all begins. People have to learn to respect and obey the laws. Laws are not just for “other people” to observe. Laws are for everyone to obey!

If you have a speeder or reckless driver in your family who comes home with dents in the car, “dent” their driving privileges until they conform. Or if they come home with tickets, take control! Drive with them until they can prove they can drive safely. If all else fails, just say “no” to their driving.

And, if you are the perpetrator, ask yourself this question: Am I a grown up, responsible citizen, or do I childishly think I am above the laws? Take responsibility seriously and be a good driver. Drive like there is a “black and white” directly behind you, and another one in front of you.

Yes, more stop signs and lower speed limits are needed in our canyons — that would be a good start. More police officers patrolling our area — that would be a dream come true! But until these safeguards actually happen, the conditions exist that endanger the safety of us all.

Glendale, we have a problem. Let’s work together and bring safety back to our streets! If you or your children are guilty of breaking the driving laws, reprogram the driving habits of your household!

Mary Betlach


City intern demonstrates integrity with money return

Monday I withdrew $700 in cash from my credit union, intending to give it to my brother. When I got home at 6 p.m., the money was missing. I retraced my steps — no luck. I reported the lost money to the Glendale Police Department and went home depressed.

On Tuesday morning, the police called to say they had the money. It made my day! I was even more surprised to learn that it was a co-worker, James Combs, who found and returned the money. What are the odds!

James works with me in the Community Planning Department as an intern. He is smart, hard-working and cheerful, and has demonstrated integrity.

Thanks, James, for doing the right thing.

Jeff Hamilton


Editor’s note: Hamilton is a senior planner for the city of Glendale.
