
PTA News: Coupons help defray costs for back-to-school items

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Randy Craig, national PTA editorial manager, reported on a survey by the National Retail Federation that says an average family with students in kindergarten through 12th grade will spend $548.72 for back-to-school needs.

Survey respondents said online coupons are among their cost-saving plans with and among sites with best offers. Other tips include visiting thrift shops or watching for sales on school supplies throughout the year.

The PTA suggests looking at your circle of friends or social networks to find a needed item in exchange for something no longer needed. More cost-saving ideas are at under the PTA Great Idea Bank.

Glendale PTA presidents and Council PTA officers are invited to a Welcome Back Breakfast hosted by Superintendent Dick Sheehan at 9:30 a.m. Aug. 31 in the Board Room. Contact Susan Yee by Aug. 23 at

Glendale High School

Glendale High’s Program Pick-up is Aug. 23 to 25 said PTSA President Sydney Swainston. Students and parents must attend their assigned Program Pick-up day to return paperwork, check out textbooks, purchase physical education supplies and/or ASB cards/kits and receive schedules.

Counselors will be available for schedule issues. A checklist of required forms to be returned has been sent to students. Twelfth-grade Program Pick-up is from 8 a.m. to noon Aug. 23. A ninth-grade parent meeting is also from 6 to 7 p.m. Aug. 23 in the auditorium. Eleventh-graders conduct their Program Pick-ups from 8 a.m. to noon Aug. 24.

Ninth-grade orientation for students with last names A through K is from 8 a.m. to noon Aug. 24; Ninth-grade Program Pick-ups for students with last names A through K is from 1 to 3 p.m. Aug. 24. Tenth-graders attend Program Pick-up from 8 a.m. to noon Aug. 25. Ninth-grade Orientation for last names L through Z is from 8 a.m. to noon Aug. 25 followed by Ninth-grade Program Pick-up for last names L through Z from 1 to 3 p.m.

Wilson Middle School

Wilson PTA is gearing up for the school year and Co-Historian Linda Guzik asks students and parents to save dates for Howdy Nights. Eighth-graders are scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Aug. 23, followed by seventh-graders at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 24, and sixth-graders at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 25. Class schedules and text books will be distributed. The staff will be treated to a Back-to-School luncheon on Aug. 27. Wilson PTA wishes teachers, staff, parents, and students a wonderful start to the year.

Verdugo Woodlands Elementary

Janet Lazier, PTA president, is getting things ready for the year says liaison Kathy Lo. The board has some new faces and is confirming committee chairmen and calendar dates.

Verdugo Woodlands’ Arts, Education and Technology Committee rolled out several enrichment programs in 2009, and the school secured funding for many of the same as well as new dance, music, drama and art programs.

A new Technology Program embraces development of a student-designed website led by parent Stephen O’Bryan and piloted by fifth-graders. It is hoped to grow to include other grades. Students and parents can look for changes and expansion in the Kinder-Second Grade Music Program led by parents Deb Beyer and Christine Griswold, and popular painting classes led by parent Farzad Kohan will also be expanded. Many thanks to parents who make these programs happen as Verdugo Woodlands looks forward to a great year!

College View School

College View PTA President Amy Keating Rogers thanks everyone who helped with the Car Wash Fundraiser. Summer session has ended and students anticipate returning to classes on Aug. 30. During the break between summer session and the first day of school, Phase 1 of the new playground project is being completed. The resulting interactive tugboat structure will enable access to students of all levels and is the first of several phases the College View Foundation is working on. The community is reminded to keep clipping box tops and “Labels for Education” from food and household products. Mail them to the school at 1700 E. Mountain St., Glendale, 91207.

EDNA KARINSKI covers the Glendale High cluster PTA. Email
