
Woman gets probation in bicyclist’s death


The 48-year-old woman who police say struck and killed a bicyclist in 2008 was sentenced Tuesday to three years of probation for vehicular manslaughter.

Naira Margaryan of Glendale was sentenced in Los Angeles County Superior Court after pleading no contest in the death of Gerardo Ramos, a 51-year-old immigrant from Mexico who left his family behind after securing a U.S. work visa.

She will also have to complete more than 700 hours of community service on a restricted driver’s license, said Glendale Police Det. Ashraf Mankarios.

While Ramos’ wife and two children were in Mexico, his brother and other relatives live in the Los Angeles area and are satisfied with the outcome, he added.

“I think they wanted to see the closure for this case,” Mankarios said.

Ramos was struck about 6:46 a.m. Sept. 23, 2008, on North Concord Street when Margaryan, who was driving a Mercedes Benz, blew through a stop sign at Milford Street. Police said he had been riding his bike on the sidewalk on his way work at a steel company on State Street.

Ramos’ head hit the windshield of the Mercedes, then Margaryan braked and he flew off the car’s hood and onto the ground, police said.

He sustained massive head trauma and was taken to Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center, where he never regained consciousness. After seven months in the hospital’s intensive care unit, his family had him transferred to a convalescent home, where he died in November 2009.

His wife and two sons were able to secure temporary visas to arrange his funeral.

FOR THE RECORD: This corrects an earlier version that stated it was a hit-and-run incident. Margaryan stayed at the scene after hitting Ramos.
