
Najarian heads to Korean sister city

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Mayor Ara Najarian left Sunday for a weeklong trip to Korea to enhance relations with one of Glendale’s six sister cities.

“We represent a large Korean population,” said Zizette Mullins, community relations coordinator who oversees the Glendale sister cities program. “So it helps to get a better understanding for what is needed here in Glendale and also what their needs are there.”

During his visit to Goseong, Najarian will meet with a variety of government officials and visit several other cities in the region.

The official trip is being paid for by the Goseong government, which extended an invitation for Najarian’s visit.

“They always want to be in contact with the new mayor,” Mullins said.

City Councilman Frank Quintero made a similar trip as mayor last year, she added.

Goseong is the newest city in the Glendale Sister Cities Program, after the City Council approved the addition last year. Other sister cities are in Mexico, Japan and Armenia.
