
Mailbag: Prop. 25 would help budget get passed

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How is it possible that the Glendale News-Press wrote an entire article about the frantic efforts by our school district to staff its schools (“Glendale Unified scrambling to finish staffing,” Aug. 21) without mentioning the budget impasse in Sacramento?

Every year, the state Legislature’s inability to pass a budget in a timely manner puts our schools in the impossible position of guessing how much money they’ll have in the coming school year. The stress and hardship that having no budget causes in other parts of state business are too much to enumerate in one letter.

Luckily, there’s a initiative on the November ballot, Proposition 25, that will make is easier for Sacramento to pass a budget by making it possible with a simple majority. Now, it takes a two-thirds vote to pass a budget. California is one of just a handful of states in the union with this requirement, and by far the biggest.

The yearly political wrangling over the state budget costs us money, and a lot of wear and tear on people like school administrators and teachers. Our schoolchildren deserve better, let’s pass Proposition 25 in November.

Renee Leask



Future bright with women like this

To the lovely family who stopped to help me at Ralphs on Saturday, thank you.

I could not get the key out of the trunk lock, so this family of three stopped. The oldest daughter tried and tried and finally asked if I had Auto Club of Southern California. I said yes, but I didn’t have a cell phone. She took hers out, got AAA on the line, gave them all of the information about me, about the car and where we were! As she was leaving she asked if I needed anything else — water, etc.

Thank you to the mother for instilling values in her daughter. With young ladies like this I feel that our future is in good hands!

Patricia Adams



A good year for women to vote

Thursday marked the 90th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gave women the precious right to vote. That makes this a good year for 90% of all eligible women to register and vote.

It is estimated that about 50% of eligible voters have not registered. So if you are not registered, the first step is to stop by the City Clerk’s Office, Post Office or city library and pick up an application. Fill it out and mail it in. The postage is prepaid.

The second step for all registered voters is to learn about the candidates for Congress in their district and the statewide Senate candidates. Read a good newspaper, explore the information on candidate websites, attend candidate forums and talk to your friends and neighbors.

It is safe to ignore radio, TV and mailer ads. These ads seldom provide any useful information. They are usually negative ads that only attack an opponent.

The third step is to get out and vote on Nov. 2 and take a friend with you. Ninety percent of the women can change America for the better.

Remember, “Voting is the most powerful thing you can do to preserve liberty.”

Lynn McGinnis

