
Remaining neighborly

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Between the construction on Flower Street and the massive Fairmont Avenue “flyover” bridge, the USS Disney continues to leave quite a wake as the studio builds out its presence in the north San Fernando Road corridor.

Caught up in the middle of it all has been the Pelanconi Estates and Rancho district residents, who have had to deal with the traffic and noise impacts of a seemingly unending schedule of construction. But unlike the public infrastructure projects that have so far been undertaken to accommodate the giant mouse, the latest snafu revolves around a project within the Walt Disney Co.’s Grand Central Creative Campus.

Construction on a child care center has riled adjacent neighbors who say their pleas to Disney officials to address the noise and vibrations coming from the work site have gone unaddressed. Disney reps say they’ve met the letter of the law in terms of their development agreement with the city. But where in that agreement are their concessions drawn for residents?

For public projects, residents have a clear grievance process — city officials. But for private developments, the redress system is less clear, which prompted a group of Rancho district residents earlier this week to appeal to the City Council for help.

To their credit, council members appeared open to the idea of establishing some game rules for private developers, and city officials say they’re trying to schedule a meeting between the various stakeholders to hash out an interim fix.

It goes without saying that Disney’s decision to set roots and expand within Glendale is a major pillar for the city’s long-term economic health, but in doing so, the good-neighbor creed shouldn’t suffer.
